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fblanqui committed Dec 31, 2024
1 parent 35a5beb commit 2438412
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 102 deletions.
183 changes: 84 additions & 99 deletions src/handle/
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ open Core open Term open Print
open Fol

(** Logging function for external prover calling with Why3. *)
let log_why3 = Logger.make 'y' "why3" "why3 provers"
let log_why3 = log_why3.pp
let log = Logger.make 'y' "why3" "why3 provers"
let log = log.pp

(** [default_prover] contains the name of the current prover. Note that it can
be changed by using the "set prover <string>" command. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,110 +36,90 @@ let why3_main : Why3.Whyconf.main = Why3.Whyconf.get_main why3_config
let why3_env : Why3.Env.env =
Why3.Env.create_env (Why3.Whyconf.loadpath why3_main)

(** A map from lambdapi terms to Why3 constants. *)
(** Type for maps from Lambdapi terms to Why3 constants. *)
type cnst_table = (term * Why3.Term.lsymbol) list

(** Table of declared types, these types may be variables or constants. *)
module TyTable : sig
type t

val empty : t

val ty_of_term : t -> term -> t * Why3.Ty.ty
(** [ty_of_term tbl te] fetches the type associated to term [te] in
table [tbl] if it exists, or it creates such a type and return
the created type and the new table. *)

(** {b FIXME} the translation of types {!ty_of_term} is correct on
non empty types only. *)

val fold_left :
do_var:('a -> term -> Why3.Ty.tvsymbol -> 'a) ->
do_sym:('a -> term -> Why3.Ty.tysymbol -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
(** [fold_left ~do_var ~do_sym init tbl] folds over the table [tbl]
with initial value [init] using [do_var] to operate on type
variables and [do_sym] to operate on type symbols. *)
end = struct
(* The module is created to hide the type [sym_or_var] *)
type sym_or_var = TySym of Why3.Ty.tysymbol | TyVar of Why3.Ty.tvsymbol

type t = (term * sym_or_var) list

let empty = []

let ty_of_term tbl te =
match List.assoc_eq (Eval.eq_modulo []) te tbl with
| TySym s -> (tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_app s [])
| TyVar v -> (tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_var v)
| exception Not_found -> (
(* FIXME generate a new goal to ensure that types translated as
fresh constants are inhabited. *)
match get_args te with
| Symb s, [] ->
let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh s.sym_name in
let sym = Why3.(Ty.create_tysymbol id [] Ty.NoDef) in
((te,TySym sym)::tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_app sym [])
| Vari x, [] ->
let sym = Why3.Ty.tv_of_string (Bindlib.name_of x) in
((te,TyVar sym)::tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_var sym)
| _ ->
(** Type for maps from Lambdapi terms to Why3 type constants. *)
type ty_table = (term * Why3.Ty.tysymbol) list

let id_user n = Why3.Ident.id_user n Why3.Loc.dummy_position

let tysymbol s = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol (id_user s.sym_name) [] Why3.Ty.NoDef

let tvsymbol x = Why3.Ty.tv_of_string (Bindlib.name_of x)

let vsymbol x = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol (id_user (Bindlib.name_of x))

let rec tys_of_terms tbl ts =
let tbl, ts =
(fun t (tbl,ts) -> let tbl, t = ty_of_term tbl t in tbl, t::ts)
ts (tbl,[])
tbl, ts

and ty_of_term tbl te =
match get_args te with
| Symb s, ts ->
let tbl, ts = tys_of_terms tbl ts in
tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_app (tysymbol s) ts
| Vari x, [] ->
tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_var (tvsymbol x)
| _ ->
match List.assoc_eq (Eval.eq_modulo []) te tbl with
| sym -> tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_app sym []
| exception Not_found ->
let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh "ty" in
let sym = Why3.(Ty.create_tysymbol id [] Ty.NoDef) in
((te,TySym sym)::tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_app sym []))

let fold_left ~do_var ~do_sym acc tbl =
let f acc (t,s_or_v) =
match s_or_v with
| TySym s -> do_sym acc t s
| TyVar v -> do_var acc t v
List.fold_left f acc tbl
let sym = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id [] Why3.Ty.NoDef in
(te,sym)::tbl, Why3.Ty.ty_app sym []

type vtyp_table = (term Bindlib.var * Why3.Ty.ty) list

(** [translate_term cfg tbl t] translates the given lambdapi term [t] into the
correspondig Why3 term, using the configuration [cfg] and constants in the
association list [tbl]. *)
let translate_term : config -> cnst_table -> TyTable.t -> term ->
(cnst_table * TyTable.t * Why3.Term.term) option =
fun cfg tbl ty_tbl t ->
let rec translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t =
let translate_term :
config -> cnst_table -> ty_table -> vtyp_table -> term
-> (cnst_table * ty_table * Why3.Term.term) option =
fun cfg tbl ty_tbl vtyps t ->
let rec translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t =
match get_args t with
| Symb(s), [t1; t2] when s == cfg.symb_and ->
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t1) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t1 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t2) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t2 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t1) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t1 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t2) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t2 in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_and t1 t2)
| Symb(s), [t1; t2] when s == cfg.symb_or ->
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t1) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t1 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t2) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t2 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t1) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t1 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t2) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t2 in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_or t1 t2)
| Symb(s), [t1; t2] when s == cfg.symb_imp ->
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t1) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t1 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t2) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t2 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t1) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t1 in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t2) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t2 in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_implies t1 t2)
| Symb(s), [t] when s == cfg.symb_not ->
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_not t)
| Symb(s), [] when s == cfg.symb_bot ->
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_false)
| Symb(s), [] when s == cfg.symb_top ->
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_true)
| Symb(s), [a;Abst(_,t)] when s == cfg.symb_ex || s == cfg.symb_all ->
let (ty_tbl, ty) = TyTable.ty_of_term ty_tbl a in
let x, t = Bindlib.unbind t in
let (tbl, ty_tbl ,t) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t in
let tquant =
let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Bindlib.name_of x) in
let vid = Why3.(Term.create_vsymbol id) ty in
let close =
if s == cfg.symb_ex then Why3.Term.t_exists_close
else Why3.Term.t_forall_close
(* Other cases excluded by pattern matching *)
close [vid] [] t
(tbl, ty_tbl, tquant)
| Vari x, [] ->
let ty = try List.assoc x vtyps with Not_found -> assert false in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_var (vsymbol x ty))
| Symb(s), [a;Abst(_,t)] when s == cfg.symb_ex ->
let (ty_tbl, ty) = ty_of_term ty_tbl a
and x, t = Bindlib.unbind t in
let vtyps = (x, ty) :: vtyps in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_exists_close [vsymbol x ty] [] t)
| Symb(s), [a;Abst(_,t)] when s == cfg.symb_all ->
let (ty_tbl, ty) = ty_of_term ty_tbl a
and x, t = Bindlib.unbind t in
let vtyps = (x, ty) :: vtyps in
let (tbl, ty_tbl, t) = translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.t_forall_close [vsymbol x ty] [] t)
| _ ->
(* If the term [p] is mapped in [tbl] then use it. *)
(* If the term [t] is mapped in [tbl] then use it. *)
let sym = List.assoc_eq (Eval.eq_modulo []) t tbl in
(tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.ps_app sym [])
Expand All @@ -149,7 +129,8 @@ let translate_term : config -> cnst_table -> TyTable.t -> term ->
((t, sym)::tbl, ty_tbl, Why3.Term.ps_app sym [])
match get_args t with
| (Symb(s), [t]) when s == cfg.symb_P -> Some (translate_prop tbl ty_tbl t)
| (Symb(s), [t]) when s == cfg.symb_P ->
Some (translate_prop tbl ty_tbl vtyps t)
| _ -> None

(** [encode ss pos hs g] translates the hypotheses [hs] and the goal [g]
Expand All @@ -158,40 +139,44 @@ let encode : Sig_state.t -> Pos.popt -> Env.env -> term -> Why3.Task.task =
fun ss pos hs g ->
let cfg = get_config ss pos in
let (constants, types, hypothesis) =
let translate_hyp (tbl,ty_tbl, map) (name, (_, hyp, _)) =
match translate_term cfg tbl ty_tbl (Bindlib.unbox hyp) with
let translate_hyp (tbl,ty_tbl,map) (name, (_, hyp, _)) =
match translate_term cfg tbl ty_tbl [] (Bindlib.unbox hyp) with
| Some(tbl, ty_tbl, why3_hyp) ->
(tbl, ty_tbl, StrMap.add name why3_hyp map)
| None -> (tbl, ty_tbl , map)
List.fold_left translate_hyp ([], TyTable.empty, StrMap.empty) hs
List.fold_left translate_hyp ([], [], StrMap.empty) hs
(* Translate the goal term. *)
let (tbl, ty_tbl, why3_term) =
match translate_term cfg constants types g with
match translate_term cfg constants types [] g with
| Some(tbl, ty_tbl, why3_term) -> (tbl, ty_tbl, why3_term)
| None ->
fatal pos "The goal [%a] is not of the form [P _]" term g
let tsk = None in
log "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_task tsk;
(* Add the declaration of every constant in a task. *)
let fn tsk (_,t) = Why3.Task.add_param_decl tsk t in
let tsk = List.fold_left fn None tbl in
(* Same for types. *)
let tsk =
let do_sym tsk _ tys = Why3.Task.add_ty_decl tsk tys in
let do_var tsk _ _ = tsk in
TyTable.fold_left ~do_var ~do_sym tsk ty_tbl
let tsk = List.fold_left fn tsk tbl in
log "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_task tsk;
(* Add the declarations of every type in a task. *)
let decl_sym tsk (_,sym) = Why3.Task.add_ty_decl tsk sym in
let tsk = List.fold_left decl_sym tsk ty_tbl in
log "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_task tsk;
(* Add the declaration of every hypothesis in the task. *)
let fn name t tsk =
let axiom = Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh name) in
Why3.Task.add_prop_decl tsk Why3.Decl.Paxiom axiom t
let tsk = StrMap.fold fn hypothesis tsk in
log "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_task tsk;
(* Add the goal itself. *)
let goal = Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh "main_goal") in
(* Return the task that contains the encoded lambdapi formula in Why3. *)
Why3.Task.add_prop_decl tsk Why3.Decl.Pgoal goal why3_term
let tsk = Why3.Task.add_prop_decl tsk Why3.Decl.Pgoal goal why3_term in
log "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_task tsk;

(** [run_task tsk pos prover_name] Run the task [tsk] with the specified
prover named [prover_name] and return the answer of the prover. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +227,7 @@ let handle :
(* Get the name of the prover. *)
let prover_name = Option.get !default_prover prover_name in
if Logger.log_enabled () then
log_why3 "running with prover \"%s\"" prover_name;
log "running with prover \"%s\"" prover_name;
(* Encode the goal in Why3. *)
let tsk = encode ss pos hyps trm in
(* Run the task with the prover named [prover_name]. *)
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions tests/OK/why3_quantifiers.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ rule T o ↪ Prop;
constant symbol nat: U;
symbol even (_: T nat): Prop;

debug +y;

// Test a quantification on the boolean type
opaque symbol thm_ex : P (ex o (λ p: T o, imp p p))
/*opaque symbol thm_ex : P (ex o (λ p: T o, imp p p))
≔ begin

// Quantification on a type symbol
opaque symbol thm_even : P (ex nat (λ n: T nat, imp (even n) (even n)))
Expand Down

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