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fblanqui committed Jan 9, 2025
2 parents 0fefcf5 + 3d1786b commit 59e974c
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Showing 5 changed files with 61 additions and 79 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
ocaml-version: [5.2.1, 5.1.1, 5.0.0, 4.14.2, 4.13.1, 4.12.1, 4.11.2, 4.10.2, 4.09.1, 4.08.1]
ocaml-version: [5.3.0, 5.2.1, 5.1.1, 5.0.0, 4.14.2, 4.13.1, 4.12.1, 4.11.2, 4.10.2, 4.09.1, 4.08.1]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checking out lambdapi repo ...
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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,16 +98,12 @@ let of_sign : Sign.t -> sig_state = fun signature ->
corresponding to a qualified / non qualified name *)
type find_sym = prt:bool -> prv:bool -> sig_state -> qident loc -> sym

(** [find_sym ~prt ~prv b st qid] returns the symbol
corresponding to the qualified identifier [qid]. If [fst qid.elt] is
empty, we search for the name [snd qid.elt] in the opened modules of [st].
The boolean [b] only indicates if the error message should mention
variables, in the case where the module path is empty and the symbol is
unbound. This is reported using the [Fatal] exception.
{!constructor:Term.expo.Protec} symbols from other modules
are allowed in left-hand side of rewrite rules (only) iff [~prt] is true.
{!constructor:Term.expo.Privat} symbols are allowed iff [~prv]
is [true]. *)
(** [find_sym ~prt ~prv b st qid] returns the symbol corresponding to the
possibly qualified identifier [qid], or raises [Fatal]. The boolean [b]
indicates if the error message should mention variables when [qid] is
unqualified. [~prt] indicates whether {!constructor:Term.expo.Protec}
symbols from other modules are allowed. [~prv] indicates whether
{!constructor:Term.expo.Privat} symbols are allowed. *)
let find_sym : find_sym =
fun ~prt ~prv st {elt = (mp, s); pos} ->
let s =
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/handle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,6 +250,9 @@ let rec handle :
let p = new_problem () in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p t
| P_tac_assume idopts ->
(* Check that no idopt is None. *)
if List.exists ((=) None) idopts then
fatal pos "underscores not allowed in assume";
(* Check that the given identifiers are not already used. *)
List.iter (Option.iter check) idopts;
(* Check that the given identifiers are pairwise distinct. *)
Expand Down
119 changes: 51 additions & 68 deletions src/parsing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ open Core open Term open Env open Sig_state open Print
let log_scop = Logger.make 'o' "scop" "term scoping"
let log_scop = log_scop.pp

(** [find_qid prt prv ss env qid] returns a boxed term corresponding to a
variable of the environment [env] (or to a symbol) which name corresponds
to [qid]. In the case where the module path [fst qid.elt] is empty, we
first search for the name [snd qid.elt] in the environment, and if it is
not mapped we also search in the opened modules. The exception [Fatal] is
raised if an error occurs (e.g., when the name cannot be found). If [prt]
is true, protected symbols from external modules are allowed (protected
symbols from current modules are always allowed). If [prv] is true, private
symbols are allowed. *)
(** [find_qid ~find_sym prt prv ss env qid] returns a boxed term corresponding
to a variable of the environment [env] or a symbol which name corresponds
to [qid]. In case of a qualified identifier, we search in symbols using
[find_sym]. In case of an unqualified identifier, we first search in [env]
and the in symbols using [find_sym]. The exception [Fatal] is raised if an
error occurs (e.g. when the name cannot be found). If [prt] is true,
protected symbols from external modules are allowed (protected symbols
from current modules are always allowed). If [prv] is true, private
symbols are allowed. *)
let find_qid :
?find_sym:find_sym -> bool -> bool -> sig_state -> env -> p_qident
-> tbox =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ type mode =
(** Scoping mode for unification rule right-hand sides. During scoping, we
always have [m_urhs_vars_nb = m_lhs_size + length m_urhs_xvars]. *)

(** [scope_iden md ss env qid] scopes [qid] as a symbol. *)
(** [scope_iden ~find_sym md ss env qid] calls [find_qid] with the [prt] and
[prv] flags set according to [md]. *)
let scope_iden : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
mode -> sig_state -> env -> p_qident -> tbox =
fun ?find_sym md ss env qid ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,15 +165,10 @@ let _ =
assert (valid "case_ex02_intro1");
assert (valid "case_ex02_intro10")

(** [scope ~typ md ss env t] turns a parser-level term [t] into an actual
term. The variables of the environment [env] may appear in [t],
and the scoping mode [md] changes the behaviour related to certain
constructors. The signature state [ss] is used to convert identifiers
into symbols according to [find_qid]. If [typ] is true, then [t]
must be a type (defaults to false). *)
(** [scope ~find_sym ~typ k md ss env t] turns a parser-level term [t] into an
actual term. *)
let rec scope : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
?typ:bool -> int -> mode -> sig_state -> env -> p_term ->
tbox =
?typ:bool -> int -> mode -> sig_state -> env -> p_term -> tbox =
fun ?find_sym ?(typ=false) k md ss env t ->
if Logger.log_enabled () then
log_scop "%a before Pratt: %a" D.depth k Pretty.term t;
Expand All @@ -181,8 +177,8 @@ let rec scope : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
log_scop "%a after Pratt: %a" D.depth k Pretty.term u;
scope_parsed ?find_sym ~typ k md ss env u

(** [scope_parsed ~typ md ss env t] turns a parser-level Pratt-parsed
term [t] into an actual term. *)
(** [scope_parsed ~find_sym ~typ k md ss env t] turns a parser-level
Pratt-parsed term [t] into an actual term. *)
and scope_parsed : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
?typ:bool -> int -> mode -> sig_state -> env -> p_term -> tbox =
fun ?find_sym ?(typ=false) k md ss env t ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,10 +224,10 @@ and scope_parsed : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
|> D.log_and_return
(fun e -> log_scop "%agot %a" D.depth k Raw.term (Bindlib.unbox e))

(** [add_impl md ss env loc h impl args] scopes [args] and returns the
application of [h] to the scoped arguments. [impl] is a boolean list
described the implicit arguments. Implicit arguments are added as
underscores before scoping. *)
(** [add_impl ~find_sym k md ss env loc h impl args] scopes [args] and returns
the application of [h] to the scoped arguments. [impl] is a boolean list
described the implicit arguments. Implicit arguments are added as
underscores before scoping. *)
and add_impl : ?find_sym:find_sym -> int -> mode -> sig_state ->
Env.t -> popt -> tbox -> bool list -> p_term list -> tbox =
fun ?find_sym k md ss env loc h impl args ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,8 +261,8 @@ and add_impl : ?find_sym:find_sym -> int -> mode -> sig_state ->
(* NOTE this could be improved with more general implicits. *)
fatal loc "More arguments are required to instantiate implicits."

(** [scope_domain md ss env t] scopes [t] as the domain of an abstraction or
product. *)
(** [scope_domain ~find_sym k md ss env t] scopes [t] as the domain of an
abstraction or product. *)
and scope_domain : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
int -> mode -> sig_state -> env -> p_term option -> tbox =
fun ?find_sym k md ss env a ->
Expand All @@ -276,19 +272,16 @@ and scope_domain : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
| (Some {elt=P_Wild;_}|None), _ -> _Plac true
| Some a, _ -> scope ?find_sym ~typ:true k md ss env a

(** [scope_binder ~typ mode ss cons env params_list t] scopes [t] in
mode [md], signature state [ss] and environment [env]. [params_list] is a
list of paramters to abstract on. For each parameter, a tbox is built using
[cons] (either [_Abst] or [_Prod]). If [warn] is true (the default), a
warning is printed when the variable that is bound by the binder does not
appear in the body. [typ] indicates if we scope a type (default is
false). *)
and scope_binder : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
?typ:bool -> int -> mode -> sig_state ->
(tbox -> tbinder -> tbox) -> Env.t -> p_params list ->
p_term option -> tbox =
(** [scope_binder ~find_sym ~typ k md ss cons env params_list t] scopes [t],
abstract [params_list] and returns a tbox using [cons] (either [_Abst] or
[_Prod]). *)
and scope_binder :
?find_sym:find_sym -> ?typ:bool -> int -> mode -> sig_state ->
(tbox -> tbinder -> tbox) -> Env.t -> p_params list ->
p_term option -> tbox =
fun ?find_sym ?(typ=false) k md ss cons env params_list t ->
let rec scope_params_list env params_list =
(* [n] is used to give different names to parameters of the form "_" *)
let rec scope_params_list n env params_list =
match params_list with
| [] ->
Expand All @@ -298,14 +291,14 @@ and scope_binder : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
| (idopts,typopt,_implicit)::params_list ->
let dom = scope_domain ?find_sym (k+1) md ss env typopt in
scope_params env idopts dom params_list
and scope_params env idopts a params_list =
let rec aux env idopts =
scope_params n env idopts dom params_list
and scope_params n env idopts a params_list =
let rec aux n env idopts =
match idopts with
| [] -> scope_params_list env params_list
| [] -> scope_params_list n env params_list
| None::idopts ->
let v = new_tvar "_" in
let t = aux env idopts in
let v = if n = 0 then new_tvar "_" else new_tvar_ind "_" n in
let t = aux (n+1) env idopts in
cons a (Bindlib.bind_var v t)
| Some {elt=id;pos}::idopts ->
if is_invalid_bindlib_id id then
Expand All @@ -314,13 +307,13 @@ and scope_binder : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
are not allowed for bound variable names." id;
let v = new_tvar id in
let env = Env.add v a None env in
let t = aux env idopts in
let t = aux n env idopts in
cons a (Bindlib.bind_var v t)
in aux env idopts
in aux n env idopts
scope_params_list env params_list
scope_params_list 0 env params_list

(** [scope_head ~typ md ss env t] scopes [t] as term head. *)
(** [scope_head ~find_sym ~typ k md ss env t] scopes [t] as term head. *)
and scope_head : ?find_sym:find_sym ->
?typ:bool -> int -> mode -> sig_state -> env -> p_term -> tbox =
fun ?find_sym ?(typ=false) k md ss env t ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -496,27 +489,19 @@ let scope =
Debug.(record_time Scoping
(fun () -> r := scope ?find_sym ~typ k md ss env t)); !r

(** [scope_term ~find_sym ~typ ~mok prv ss env t] turns a pterm [t] into a
term in the signature state [ss] and environment [env] (for bound
variables). If [prv] is [true], then the term can
contain private symbols. If [~typ] is [true], then [t] must be
a type (defaults to [false]). No {b new} metavariables may appear in
[t], but metavariables in the image of [mok] may be used. The function
[mok] defaults to the function constant to [None]. The function
[~find_sym] is used to scope symbol identifiers. *)
(** [scope_term ~find_sym ~typ ~mok prv ss env t] scopes [t] in mode [M_Term]
with [m_term_prv] set to [prv], and [m_term_meta_of_key] set to [mok]
(which defaults to the constant function equal to [None]). *)
let scope_term :
?find_sym:find_sym -> ?typ:bool -> ?mok:(int -> meta option)
-> bool -> sig_state -> env -> p_term -> term =
fun ?find_sym ?(typ=false) ?(mok=fun _ -> None) m_term_prv ss env t ->
let md = M_Term {m_term_meta_of_key=mok; m_term_prv} in
Bindlib.unbox (scope ?find_sym ~typ 0 md ss env t)

(** [scope_search_pattern ~find_sym ~typ prv ss env t] turns a pterm [t] meant
to be a search patter into a term in the signature state [ss]
and environment [env] (for bound variables). If [~typ] is [true],
then [t] must be a type (defaults to [false]). No {b new} metavariables
may appear in [t]. The function [~find_sym] is used to scope symbol
identifiers. *)
(** [scope_search_pattern ~find_sym ~typ prv ss env t] scopes [t] in mode
[M_SearchPatt] with [m_term_meta_of_key] set to [mok] (which defaults to
the constant function equal to [None]). *)
let scope_search_pattern : ?find_sym:find_sym -> ?typ:bool ->
?mok:(int -> meta option) -> sig_state -> env -> p_term -> term =
fun ?find_sym ?(typ=false) ?(mok=fun _ -> None) ss env t ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,8 +597,7 @@ let rule_of_pre_rule : pre_rule loc -> rule =
; rule_pos }

(** [scope_rule ~find_sym ur ss r] turns a parser-level rewriting rule [r],
or a unification rule if [ur] is true, into a pre-rewriting rule.
The function [~find_sym] is used to scope symbol identifiers. *)
or a unification rule if [ur] is true, into a pre-rewriting rule. *)
let scope_rule :
?find_sym:find_sym -> bool -> sig_state -> p_rule -> pre_rule loc =
fun ?(find_sym=Sig_state.find_sym) ur ss { elt = (p_lhs, p_rhs); pos } ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -720,13 +704,12 @@ let scope_rule :
Pos.make pos prerule

(** [scope_pattern ss env t] turns a parser-level term [t] into an actual term
that will correspond to selection pattern (rewrite tactic). *)
in mode [M_Patt], i.e. as a selection pattern in a rewrite tactic. *)
let scope_pattern : sig_state -> env -> p_term -> term = fun ss env t ->
Bindlib.unbox (scope 0 M_Patt ss env t)

(** [scope_rw_patt ss env t] turns a parser-level rewrite tactic specification
[s] into an actual rewrite specification (possibly containing variables of
[env] and using [ss] for aliasing). *)
(** [scope_rw_patt ss env s] scopes the parser-level rewrite tactic
specification [s] into an actual rewrite specification. *)
let scope_rw_patt : sig_state -> env -> p_rw_patt -> (term, tbinder) rw_patt =
fun ss env s ->
match s.elt with
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.

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