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Fix why3 tactic (#1174)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- many fixes (fix #1165) and changes
- add fields symb_Prop and sym_Set (domains of symb_P and symb_T), and symb_eqv
- tests: merged why3_quantifiers.lp into why3.lp
- make get_eq_data return a list instead of an array, and rename local function check_t_or_p into check_codomain_is_Type
- introduce the functions get_prod_ids and gen_valid_idopts, and improve assume so that it uses the user-defined variable names instead of h1, h2, etc.
- add char
- list: add assoc_eq_opt

As before, the why3 tactic starts by doing some assume. Then, the tactic tries to translate the environment as much as possible, and then the goal. The tactic fails if the goal cannot be translated.

A term [t:Set] is translated to a Why3 type if it is algebraic (i.e. built from function applications and variables only) and its variables are in the environment.

A term [t:T _] is translated to a Why3 term if it is algebraic and its variables are in the environment or are quantified variables.

A term [t:P _] is translated to a Why3 formula if it has the form of a formula in predicate calculus. Subterms that are not in predicate calculus are replaced by fresh propositions.

- [ ] when abstracting a subformula, compute its free variables, check that they are quantified, and replace the subterm by the application of a fresh predicate applied to those variables. Example:
```opaque symbol test11 a p x q : π ((`∀ x:τ a, p x ⇒ (λ y, q y) x) ⇒ p x ⇒ (λ y, q y) x) ≔ begin why3 end;```
- [ ] make translate_term abstract non-Why3 subterms too. Example:
```opaque symbol test12 a p x q : π ((`∀ x:τ a, p x ⇒ q ((λ y,y)x)) ⇒ p x ⇒ q ((λ y,y)x)) ≔ begin why3 end;```
- [ ] take into account rule on T and P; make the translation invariant by reduction
  • Loading branch information
fblanqui authored Jan 28, 2025
1 parent 956dcf7 commit 8cb0bd7
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Showing 13 changed files with 549 additions and 308 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/common/
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module D = struct
| Some x -> out ppf "Some(%a)" elt x

let pair : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a * 'b) pp = fun elt1 elt2 ppf (x1,x2) ->
out ppf "%a,%a" elt1 x1 elt2 x2
out ppf "(%a,%a)" elt1 x1 elt2 x2

let list : 'a pp -> 'a list pp = fun elt ppf l ->
match l with
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38 changes: 34 additions & 4 deletions src/handle/
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@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
(** Configuration for tactics based on first-order logic. *)

open Common
open Common open Error
open Core open Term

(** Builtin configuration for propositional logic. *)
type config =
{ symb_P : sym (** Encoding of propositions. *)
{ symb_Prop: sym (** Type of propositions. *)
; symb_P : sym (** Encoding of propositions. *)
; symb_Set : sym (** Type of sets. *)
; symb_T : sym (** Encoding of types. *)
; symb_or : sym (** Disjunction(∨) symbol. *)
; symb_and : sym (** Conjunction(∧) symbol. *)
; symb_imp : sym (** Implication(⇒) symbol. *)
; symb_eqv : sym (** Equivalence(⇔) symbol. *)
; symb_bot : sym (** Bot(⊥) symbol. *)
; symb_top : sym (** Top(⊤) symbol. *)
; symb_not : sym (** Not(¬) symbol. *)
Expand All @@ -19,11 +22,38 @@ type config =
(** [get_config ss pos] build the configuration using [ss]. *)
let get_config : Sig_state.t -> Pos.popt -> config = fun ss pos ->
let builtin = Builtin.get ss pos in
{ symb_P = builtin "P"
; symb_T = builtin "T"
let symb_P = builtin "P" and symb_T = builtin "T" in
let symb_Prop =
match unfold Timed.(!(symb_P.sym_type)) with
| Prod(a,_) ->
match unfold a with
| Symb s -> s
| _ ->
fatal pos "The type of %a is not of the form Prop → _ \
with Prop a symbol." Print.sym symb_P
| _ -> fatal pos "The type of %a is not a product" Print.sym symb_P
and symb_Set =
match unfold Timed.(!(symb_T.sym_type)) with
| Prod(a,_) ->
match unfold a with
| Symb s -> s
| _ ->
fatal pos "The type of %a is not of the form Prop → _ \
with Prop a symbol." Print.sym symb_T
| _ -> fatal pos "The type of %a is not a product" Print.sym symb_T
{ symb_Prop
; symb_P
; symb_Set
; symb_T
; symb_or = builtin "or"
; symb_and = builtin "and"
; symb_imp = builtin "imp"
; symb_eqv = builtin "eqv"
; symb_bot = builtin "bot"
; symb_top = builtin "top"
; symb_not = builtin "not"
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15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/handle/
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Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let get_eq_config : Sig_state.t -> popt -> eq_config = fun ss pos ->

(* Register checks for the builtin symbols related to rewriting. *)
let _ =
let check_t_or_p _ss pos sym =
let check_codomain_is_Type _ss pos sym =
let valid =
match Eval.whnf [] !(sym.sym_type) with
| Prod(_, b) -> Eval.eq_modulo [] (snd (Bindlib.unbind b)) mk_Type
Expand All @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ let _ =
fatal pos "The type of [%s] is not of the form [_ → TYPE]." sym.sym_name
(* The type of the builtin ["T"] should be [U → TYPE]. *)
Builtin.register "T" check_t_or_p;
Builtin.register "T" check_codomain_is_Type;
(* The type of the builtin ["P"] should be [Prop → TYPE]. *)
Builtin.register "P" check_t_or_p;
Builtin.register "P" check_codomain_is_Type;
let get_domain_of_type s =
match Eval.whnf [] !(s.sym_type) with
| Prod(a,_) -> a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let _ =
(** [get_eq_data pos cfg a] returns [((a,l,r),[v1;..;vn])] if [a ≡ Π v1:A1,
.., Π vn:An, P (eq a l r)] and fails otherwise. *)
let get_eq_data :
eq_config -> popt -> term -> (term * term * term) * tvar array = fun cfg ->
eq_config -> popt -> term -> (term * term * term) * tvar list = fun cfg ->
let exception Not_eq of term in
let get_eq_args u =
if Logger.log_enabled () then log_rewr "get_eq_args %a" term u;
Expand All @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ let get_eq_data :
| _ -> raise (Not_eq u)
let exception Not_P of term in
let return vs r = r, Array.of_list (List.rev vs) in
let return vs r = r, List.rev vs in
let rec get_eq vs t notin_whnf =
if Logger.log_enabled () then log_rewr "get_eq %a" term t;
match get_args t with
| Prod(_,t), _ -> let v,t = Bindlib.unbind t in get_eq (v::vs) t true
| p, [u] when is_symb cfg.symb_P p ->
let u = Eval.whnf ~tags:[`NoRw; `NoExpand] [] u in
let u = Eval.whnf ~tags:[`NoRw;`NoExpand] [] u in
try return vs (get_eq_args u)
with Not_eq _ ->
(try return vs (get_eq_args (Eval.whnf [] u))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,8 @@ let rewrite : Sig_state.t -> problem -> popt -> goal_typ -> bool ->
let (t, t_type) = Query.infer pos p g_ctxt t in

(* Check that [t_type ≡ Π x1:a1, ..., Π xn:an, P (eq a l r)]. *)
let (a, l, r), vars = get_eq_data cfg pos t_type in
let (a, l, r), vars = get_eq_data cfg pos t_type in
let vars = Array.of_list vars in

(* Apply [t] to the variables of [vars] to get a witness of the equality. *)
let t = Array.fold_left (fun t x -> mk_Appl(t, mk_Vari x)) t vars in
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107 changes: 61 additions & 46 deletions src/handle/
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Expand Up @@ -185,6 +185,33 @@ let count_products : ctxt -> term -> int = fun c ->
| _ -> acc
in count 0

(** [get_prod_ids env do_whnf t] returns the list [v1;..;vn] if [do_whnf] is
true and [whnf t] is of the form [Π v1:A1, .., Π vn:An, u] with [u] not a
product, or if [do_whnf] is false and [t] is of the form [Π v1:A1, .., Π
vn:An, u] with [u] not a product. *)
let get_prod_ids env =
let rec aux acc do_whnf t =
match get_args t with
| Prod(_,b), _ ->
let x,b = Bindlib.unbind b in
aux (Bindlib.name_of x::acc) do_whnf b
| _ ->
if do_whnf then aux acc false (Eval.whnf (Env.to_ctxt env) t)
else List.rev acc
in aux []

(** [gen_valid_idopts env ids] generates a list of pairwise distinct
identifiers distinct from those of [env] to replace [ids]. *)
let gen_valid_idopts env ids =
let add_decl ids (s,_) = Extra.StrSet.add s ids in
let idset = ref (List.fold_left add_decl Extra.StrSet.empty env) in
let f id idopts =
let id = Extra.get_safe_prefix id !idset in
idset := Extra.StrSet.add id !idset;
Some(Pos.none id)::idopts
List.fold_right f ids []

(** [handle ss sym_pos prv ps tac] applies tactic [tac] in the proof state
[ps] and returns the new proof state. *)
let rec handle :
Expand All @@ -209,26 +236,17 @@ let rec handle :
| Unif _ -> fatal pos "Not a typing goal."
| Typ ({goal_hyps=env;_} as gt) ->
let scope t = Scope.scope_term ~mok:(Proof.meta_of_key ps) prv ss env t in
(* Function to apply the assume tactic several times without checking the
validity of identifiers. *)
let assume idopts =
match idopts with
| [] -> ps
| _ -> tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem())
(scope (P.abst_list idopts P.wild))
(* Function for checking that an identifier is not already in use. *)
let check id =
if Env.mem id.elt env then fatal id.pos "Identifier already in use." in
(* Function to apply [n] times the assume tactic. *)
let assume n =
if n <= 0 then ps
let add_decl strings (s,_) = Extra.StrSet.add s strings in
let strings = List.fold_left add_decl Extra.StrSet.empty env in
let h = Extra.get_safe_prefix "h" strings in
let rec mk_idopts acc k =
if k <= 0 then acc
let idopt = Some (Pos.make pos (h ^ string_of_int k)) in
mk_idopts (idopt::acc) (k-1)
let t = P.abst_list (mk_idopts [] n) P.wild in
let p = new_problem() in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p (scope t)
match elt with
| P_tac_fail
| P_tac_query _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,8 +275,7 @@ let rec handle :
List.iter (Option.iter check) idopts;
(* Check that the given identifiers are pairwise distinct. *)
Syntax.check_distinct_idopts idopts;
let p = new_problem() in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p (scope (P.abst_list idopts P.wild))
assume idopts
| P_tac_generalize {elt=id; pos=idpos} ->
(* From a goal [e1,id:a,e2 ⊢ ?[e1,id,e2] : u], generate a new goal [e1 ⊢
?m[e1] : Π id:a, Π e2, u], and refine [?[e]] with [?m[e1] id e2]. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,20 +347,19 @@ let rec handle :
| P_tac_induction -> tac_induction pos ps gt gs
| P_tac_refine t -> tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem()) (scope t)
| P_tac_refl ->
let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let (a,l,_), vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
(* We first do [n] times the [assume] tactic. *)
let ps = assume (Array.length vs) in
(* We then apply reflexivity. *)
begin match ps.proof_goals with
| Typ gt::gs ->
let a,l =
if Array.length vs = 0 then a,l
else let (a,l,_),_ = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in a,l
let prf = add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_refl) [a; l] in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem()) prf
| _ -> assert false
let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let _,vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let idopts = gen_valid_idopts env ( Bindlib.name_of vs) in
let ps = assume idopts in
match ps.proof_goals with
| [] -> assert false
| Unif _::_ -> assert false
| Typ gt::gs ->
let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let (a,l,_),_ = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let prf = add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_refl) [a; l] in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem()) prf
| P_tac_remove ids ->
(* Remove hypothesis [id] in goal [g]. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,27 +405,26 @@ let rec handle :
(Rewrite.rewrite ss p pos gt l2r pat (scope eq))
| P_tac_sym ->
let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let (a,l,r), vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let a,l,r =
if Array.length vs = 0 then a,l,r
else fst (Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type)
let (a,l,r),_ = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let p = new_problem() in
let prf =
let mt =
mk_Appl(mk_Symb cfg.symb_P,
add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_eq) [a; r; l]) in
let mt = mk_Appl(mk_Symb cfg.symb_P,
add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_eq) [a;r;l]) in
let meta_term = LibMeta.make p (Env.to_ctxt env) mt in
(* The proofterm is [eqind a r l M (λx,eq a l x) (refl a l)]. *)
Rewrite.swap cfg a r l meta_term
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p prf
| P_tac_why3 cfg ->
let ps = assume (count_products (Env.to_ctxt env) gt.goal_type) in
(match ps.proof_goals with
| Typ gt::_ ->
Why3_tactic.handle ss pos cfg gt; tac_admit ss sym_pos ps gt
| _ -> assert false)
let ids = get_prod_ids env false gt.goal_type in
let idopts = gen_valid_idopts env ids in
let ps = assume idopts in
match ps.proof_goals with
| Typ gt::_ ->
Why3_tactic.handle ss pos cfg gt; tac_admit ss sym_pos ps gt
| _ -> assert false
| P_tac_try tactic ->
try handle ss sym_pos prv ps tactic
with Fatal(_, _s) -> ps
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