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fblanqui committed Jan 27, 2025
1 parent ffb8e8d commit ac75af2
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Showing 3 changed files with 88 additions and 46 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/handle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let _ =
(** [get_eq_data pos cfg a] returns [((a,l,r),[v1;..;vn])] if [a ≡ Π v1:A1,
.., Π vn:An, P (eq a l r)] and fails otherwise. *)
let get_eq_data :
eq_config -> popt -> term -> (term * term * term) * tvar array = fun cfg ->
eq_config -> popt -> term -> (term * term * term) * tvar list = fun cfg ->
let exception Not_eq of term in
let get_eq_args u =
if Logger.log_enabled () then log_rewr "get_eq_args %a" term u;
Expand All @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ let get_eq_data :
| _ -> raise (Not_eq u)
let exception Not_P of term in
let return vs r = r, Array.of_list (List.rev vs) in
let return vs r = r, List.rev vs in
let rec get_eq vs t notin_whnf =
if Logger.log_enabled () then log_rewr "get_eq %a" term t;
match get_args t with
| Prod(_,t), _ -> let v,t = Bindlib.unbind t in get_eq (v::vs) t true
| p, [u] when is_symb cfg.symb_P p ->
let u = Eval.whnf ~tags:[`NoRw; `NoExpand] [] u in
let u = Eval.whnf ~tags:[`NoRw;`NoExpand] [] u in
try return vs (get_eq_args u)
with Not_eq _ ->
(try return vs (get_eq_args (Eval.whnf [] u))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,8 @@ let rewrite : Sig_state.t -> problem -> popt -> goal_typ -> bool ->
let (t, t_type) = Query.infer pos p g_ctxt t in

(* Check that [t_type ≡ Π x1:a1, ..., Π xn:an, P (eq a l r)]. *)
let (a, l, r), vars = get_eq_data cfg pos t_type in
let (a, l, r), vars = get_eq_data cfg pos t_type in
let vars = Array.of_list vars in

(* Apply [t] to the variables of [vars] to get a witness of the equality. *)
let t = Array.fold_left (fun t x -> mk_Appl(t, mk_Vari x)) t vars in
Expand Down
123 changes: 81 additions & 42 deletions src/handle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -185,6 +185,33 @@ let count_products : ctxt -> term -> int = fun c ->
| _ -> acc
in count 0

(** [get_prod_ids env do_whnf t] returns the list [v1;..;vn] if [do_whnf] is
true and [whnf t] is of the form [Π v1:A1, .., Π vn:An, u] with [u] not a
product, or if [do_whnf] is false and [t] is of the form [Π v1:A1, .., Π
vn:An, u] with [u] not a product. *)
let get_prod_ids env =
let rec aux acc do_whnf t =
match get_args t with
| Prod(_,b), _ ->
let x,b = Bindlib.unbind b in
aux (Bindlib.name_of x::acc) do_whnf b
| _ ->
if do_whnf then aux acc false (Eval.whnf (Env.to_ctxt env) t)
else List.rev acc
in aux []

(** [gen_valid_idopts env ids] generates a list of pairwise distinct
identifiers distinct from those of [env] to replace [ids]. *)
let gen_valid_idopts env ids =
let add_decl ids (s,_) = Extra.StrSet.add s ids in
let idset = ref (List.fold_left add_decl Extra.StrSet.empty env) in
let f id idopts =
let id = Extra.get_safe_prefix id !idset in
idset := Extra.StrSet.add id !idset;
Some(Pos.none id)::idopts
List.fold_right f ids []

(** [handle ss sym_pos prv ps tac] applies tactic [tac] in the proof state
[ps] and returns the new proof state. *)
let rec handle :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,22 +239,14 @@ let rec handle :
(* Function for checking that an identifier is not already in use. *)
let check id =
if Env.mem id.elt env then fatal id.pos "Identifier already in use." in
(* Function to apply [n] times the assume tactic. *)
let assume n =
if n <= 0 then ps
let add_decl strings (s,_) = Extra.StrSet.add s strings in
let strings = List.fold_left add_decl Extra.StrSet.empty env in
let h = Extra.get_safe_prefix "h" strings in
let rec mk_idopts acc k =
if k <= 0 then acc
let idopt = Some (Pos.make pos (h ^ string_of_int k)) in
mk_idopts (idopt::acc) (k-1)
let t = P.abst_list (mk_idopts [] n) P.wild in
(* Function to apply the assume tactic several times without checking the
validity of identifiers. *)
let assume idopts =
match idopts with
| [] -> ps
| _ ->
let p = new_problem() in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p (scope t)
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p (scope (P.abst_list idopts P.wild))
match elt with
| P_tac_fail
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,8 +276,7 @@ let rec handle :
List.iter (Option.iter check) idopts;
(* Check that the given identifiers are pairwise distinct. *)
Syntax.check_distinct_idopts idopts;
let p = new_problem() in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p (scope (P.abst_list idopts P.wild))
assume idopts
| P_tac_generalize {elt=id; pos=idpos} ->
(* From a goal [e1,id:a,e2 ⊢ ?[e1,id,e2] : u], generate a new goal [e1 ⊢
?m[e1] : Π id:a, Π e2, u], and refine [?[e]] with [?m[e1] id e2]. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,20 +348,37 @@ let rec handle :
| P_tac_induction -> tac_induction pos ps gt gs
| P_tac_refine t -> tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem()) (scope t)
| P_tac_refl ->
let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let (a,l,_), vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
(* We first do [n] times the [assume] tactic. *)
let ps = assume (Array.length vs) in
(* We then apply reflexivity. *)
begin match ps.proof_goals with
| Typ gt::gs ->
let a,l =
if Array.length vs = 0 then a,l
else let (a,l,_),_ = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in a,l
let prf = add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_refl) [a; l] in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem()) prf
| _ -> assert false
(*let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let (a,l,_), vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
(* We first do [n] times the [assume] tactic. *)
let idopts =
List.mapi (fun i _ -> Some(Pos.none("x"^string_of_int i))) vs in
let ps = assume idopts in
(* We then apply reflexivity. *)
match ps.proof_goals with
| Typ gt::gs ->
let a,l =
if vs = [] then a,l
else let (a,l,_),_ =
Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in a,l
let prf = add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_refl) [a; l] in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem()) prf
| _ -> assert false*)

let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let _,vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let idopts = gen_valid_idopts env ( Bindlib.name_of vs) in
let ps = assume idopts in
match ps.proof_goals with
| [] -> assert false
| Unif _::_ -> assert false
| Typ gt::gs ->
let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let (a,l,_),_ = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let prf = add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_refl) [a; l] in
tac_refine pos ps gt gs (new_problem()) prf
| P_tac_remove ids ->
(* Remove hypothesis [id] in goal [g]. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,27 +424,31 @@ let rec handle :
(Rewrite.rewrite ss p pos gt l2r pat (scope eq))
| P_tac_sym ->
let cfg = Rewrite.get_eq_config ss pos in
let (a,l,r), vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
(*let (a,l,r), vs = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let a,l,r =
if Array.length vs = 0 then a,l,r
if vs = [] then a,l,r
else fst (Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type)
let (a,l,r),_ = Rewrite.get_eq_data cfg pos gt.goal_type in
let p = new_problem() in
let prf =
let mt =
mk_Appl(mk_Symb cfg.symb_P,
add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_eq) [a; r; l]) in
let mt = mk_Appl(mk_Symb cfg.symb_P,
add_args (mk_Symb cfg.symb_eq) [a;r;l]) in
let meta_term = LibMeta.make p (Env.to_ctxt env) mt in
(* The proofterm is [eqind a r l M (λx,eq a l x) (refl a l)]. *)
Rewrite.swap cfg a r l meta_term
tac_refine pos ps gt gs p prf
| P_tac_why3 cfg ->
let ps = assume (count_products (Env.to_ctxt env) gt.goal_type) in
(match ps.proof_goals with
| Typ gt::_ ->
Why3_tactic.handle ss pos cfg gt; tac_admit ss sym_pos ps gt
| _ -> assert false)
let ids = get_prod_ids env false gt.goal_type in
let idopts = gen_valid_idopts env ids in
let ps = assume idopts in
match ps.proof_goals with
| Typ gt::_ ->
Why3_tactic.handle ss pos cfg gt; tac_admit ss sym_pos ps gt
| _ -> assert false
| P_tac_try tactic ->
try handle ss sym_pos prv ps tactic
with Fatal(_, _s) -> ps
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions tests/OK/why3.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ opaque symbol test8 a p: π (`∃ x:τ a, p x ⇒ p x) ≔ begin why3 end;

opaque symbol test9 a p : π (¬ (`∃ x:τ a, p x) ⇔ (`∀ x, ¬ (p x))) ≔ begin why3 end;

opaque symbol test10 a p x q : π ((`∀ x:τ a, p x ⇒ q) ⇒ p x ⇒ q) ≔ begin why3 end;

//constant symbol o:Set;
//rule τ o ↪ Prop;

Expand Down

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