General Version V2.0-RC.X
Download the latest official stable release
Download current development version
NOTE: This project is still in active development and is currently at Release Candidate stage. The codebase is stable and functional and we are working towards a final software and hardware release "Version 2".
It should be noted that the development [DEV] branch contains all current changes and is the most up to date, but may contain unvalidated changes.
The [Master] branch is level with the current stable release but will always be behind the [DEV] branch.
If you are interested in contributing with testing please head over to our discussion forums or Discord channel.
A Flow Bench is a basic system to measure and display volumetric air flow.
It is used as a tool for measuring and quantifying modifications and improvements made to items such as automotive cylinder heads and carburettors by measuring the volume of air that they can flow within a set time period. By measuring the volume of air that can be passed through the item the user can determine if modifications made to the item help improve air flow characteristics.
Traditional flow benches utilise a manometer and regulate the reference pressure using calibrated flow orifices. Volumetric flow is then calculated using mathematical methods to convert the pressure drop across the testpiece into flow.
Modern flow benches use sensors to measure flow and reference pressures and then calculate flow in real time by microprocessor.
The DIY Flow Bench project (DIYFB) is a professional quality flow bench controller that produces results comparable with, and in some cases exceeding commercial grade system.
The DIYFB project aims to bring professional grade results to the DIYer without the price tag associated with owning a professional bench.
This repository contains the hardware schematics and software code needed to build a volumetric flow bench based on an ESP32 controller and commonly available automotive MAF sensors.
Support is included for the following systems architectures.
- MAF based benches
- Orifice based benches
- Pitot style benches (In Development for V3 release)
- Venturi style benches (In Development for V3 release)
The DIYFB system can be used on any flow bench and makes an ideal retrofit for older manometer based benches as well as being the perfect choice for new builds. We include basic DIY hardware plans so you can build a simple MAF based flow bench that uses a shop vac for the vacuum source. This is a great entry level 'floating reference' bench and perfect for most shops and hobbyists. We also provide support for larger and more complex bench designs.
The project comprises of two distinct aspects.
The software code is developed in C++ and runs on an ESP32 microprocessor. The ESP processes sensor data and uses this data to calculate the volumetric air flow, which is then displayed via web browser on any web enabled device.
The hardware aspect of the project comprises of a PCB (commonly known as a 'shield') which connects to the ESP processor. The PCB includes environmental sensors to measure temperature, humidity and barometric pressure along with pressure sensors to measure the reference depression from the vacuum source. It also interfaces to a MAF sensor or additional differential pressure sensors. This sensor data allows the software to accurately measure and calculate volumetric flow for any given environmental conditions.
- Validated software and hardware design.
- Affordable & easy to source components.
- Can be built & operated by a layman.
- Generates results comparable with commercial flow bench.
- Open source software and hardware design.
- DIY Shield kits available to purchase.
The MASTER branch contains the current release.
The DEV branch contains the most up to date code, but may still be undergoing testing and development.
Generally the code inthe DEV branch is stable, but may it include unvalidated changes, so use with caution. It is advisable to be up-to-date with current development discussions on the forums to understand the current DEV branch status
When appropriate. The changes on DEV are validated and then the DEV branch are pulled into master to create a new release.
Binaries can be uploaded to the ESP32 directly using the DIYFB Firmware Flashing Tool. Versions are available for both Mac and Windows...
(Tested on Mac OS 15.0.1 Sequoia / Windows 10/11.)
Current Firmware binaries can be downloaded from the Releases section of the repo
If you use this code and have found issues or have comments relating to the release, you can report an issue in the following ways:
Raise an issue in the bugtracker
Comment in the support thread for the current release version
Create a discussion or hit us up at our Discord channel.
Discussion for current version (Pinned to top of page)
Please note that support is only provided for the current release so make sure that you are up to date and running the most current version.
Documentation is provided for installation, configuration and use in the WIKI.
If you get stuck, feel free to create a discussion in the support forum, or see if anyone is available over on the Discord channel.
If you find a bug, or have a feature request, please raise an issue
PLEASE NOTE that support is NOT provided via Facebook or via DM.
The software is released under the GPLV3 license. For details on usage please refer to the license file included with this project.
The PCB design and all associated files are provided for use under the CERN–OHL–W license which allows people to make their own derivative designs provided that attribution is provided and that any derivative design is also made publicly available.
The DIYFB project is released under an open source license to allow the end user to build and operate a flow bench without the cost of purchasing commercial equipment. The project is not-for-profit and is run by volunteers. All code development and contributions have been made with the intent of providing DIYFB at no financial cost to the community. It is the intent of the developers that the DIYFB project should walways remain free.
Community projects completely rely on community contributions. If you use the DIYFB project, and have made improvements or changes that you think might benefit the community, please consider sharing those changes so that everyone in the community can benefit. Likewise, if you have something to say about the project, how it works, or how it can be improved, please share your thoughts.
For more information on contributing to the project please see the Contribution Guidelines
You can view an online demo of the Web UI at the followng link