Releases: DeeEmm/DIY-Flow-Bench
V1 Beta Release #6
Build 19122401
- Fixed various display bugs
- Validated Mass > Volumetric flow conversion
- Validated Flow reference conversion
- Disabled menu timeout
- Added MafVolts to display for testing / diagnostics
- Tidied Display layout
Basic functional code as documented in the WIKI
Beta testing for code operation and validation is ongoing.
All bugs, issues, comments, etc to be reported via the BUGTRACKER
V1 Beta Release #5
Build 19122301
- Changed order of display items for better visibility on 2 line Display
- Added one decimal places to display values value (changed divisor to 10 in tcMenu)
- Renamed existing BMP280 code references to ADAFRUIT_BMP280
- Added support for ILIB_BMP280 library
- Added support for DHT11 sensors
- Added mass > volumetric flow compensation calculations
- Remapped Siemens_5WK9605 mafdata from cfm to kg/h
Basic functional code as documented in WIKI.
Beta testing required for code operation and validation.
All bugs to be reported via the Issues system under V1 Beta issues
V1 Beta Release #4
Build 19122002
Issue #18 Compile error for BMP280 library
Basic functional code as documented in WIKI.
Beta testing required for code operation and validation.
All bugs to be reported via the Issues system under V1 Beta issues
V1 Beta Release #3
Build 19122001
Issue #2 Add support for Temp sensor
Issue #4 Add support for stand alone baro sensor
- Added support for BMP280
- Fixed potential MAF conversion issue
- Minor bugfixes
Basic functional code as documented in WIKI.
Beta testing required for code operation and validation.
All bugs to be reported via the Issues system under V1 Beta issues
V1 Beta Release #2
V1 Beta Release #1
Build 19120804
Basic functional code as documented in WIKI.
Beta testing required for code operation and validation.
All bugs to be reported via the Issues system under V1 Beta issues
DIY Flow Bench V.0.1-alpha
Basic sketch and schema for reading MAF and displaying results on LED display
Note this is very much an alpha release.
If you want to make the project you can follow the details in the hardware schema and use the corresponding Arduino sketch.