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Preview any color in your buffer in real time.


🎨 colorful-mode is a minor mode that allow you highlight/preview any color format such as color hex and color names, in your current buffer in real time and in a user friendly way based/inspired on 🌈rainbow-mode.el.

Features ✨

  • Real time color highlight.
  • Supports:
    • Hexadecimal (#RRGGBB, #RGB, #RRGGBBAA, #RGBA).
    • Color names (Emacs, HTML, CSS).
    • CSS
      • rgb/rgba
      • hsl/hsla
      • oklab/oklch
      • user-defined colors variables:
        • @define_color
        • var()
    • LaTeX colors (gray, rbg, RGB, HTML)
  • Convert current color at point or in region to other formats such as hexadecimal or color names (only available for some colors) with mouse click support.
  • Prefix/suffix string instead highlight (Optional).
  • Highlight only in strings (Optional).
  • Blacklist color keywords from being highlighted.

Screenshots and animated GIFs 📷 Supports for both GUI/TUI. Support for custom color string indicator. Change color support in real time. Support for color changing at region.

User Options 🔧

Customizable User options

  • colorful-allow-mouse-clicks (default: t) If non-nil, allow using mouse buttons for change color.
  • colorful-use-prefix (default: nil) If non-nil, use prefix for preview color instead highlight them.
`css-fontify-colors' TO nil
  • colorful-prefix-string (default: "●") String to be used in highlights. Only relevant if `colorful-use-prefix’ is non-nil.
  • colorful-prefix-alignment (default: 'left) The position to put prefix string. The value can be left or right. Only relevant if `colorful-use-prefix’ is non-nil.
  • colorful-extra-color-keyword-functions default: ‘(colorful-add-hex-colors (emacs-lisp-mode . colorful-add-color-names) ((html-mode css-mode) . (colorful-add-css-variables-colors colorful-add-rgb-colors colorful-add-hsl-colors colorful-add-oklab-oklch-colors colorful-add-color-names)) (latex-mode . colorful-add-latex-colors)) List of functions to add extra color keywords to colorful-color-keywords.

    It can be a cons cell specifying the mode (or a list of modes) e.g:

    (((css-mode css-ts-mode) . colorful-add-rgb-colors) (emacs-lisp-mode . (colorful-add-color-names colorful-add-rgb-colors)) ((text-mode html-mode) . (colorful-add-color-names colorful-add-rgb-colors)) …)

    Or a simple list of functions for executing wherever colorful is active: (colorful-add-color-names colorful-add-rgb-colors)

    Available functions are:

    • colorful-add-hex-colors.
    • colorful-add-color-names.
    • colorful-add-css-variables-colors.
    • colorful-add-rgb-colors.
    • colorful-add-hsl-colors.
    • colorful-add-latex-colors
  • colorful-exclude-colors (default: '("#define")) List of keyword to don’t highlight.
  • colorful-short-hex-conversions (default: t) If non-nil, hex values converted by colorful should be as short as possible. Setting this to 2 will make hex values follow a 24-bit specification (#RRGGBB[AA]) and can make them inaccurate.
  • colorful-only-strings (default: nil) If non-nil colorful will only highlight colors inside strings. If set to only-prog, only highlight colors in strings if current major mode is derived from prog-mode.
  • global-colorful-modes (default: '(mhtml-mode html-ts-mode scss-mode css-mode css-ts-mode prog-mode)) Which major modes global-colorful-mode is switched on in (globally).


  • colorful-base Face used as base for highlight color names. Changing background or foreground color will have no effect.

Interactive User Functions.

  • colorful-change-or-copy-color Change or copy color to a converted format at current cursor position.
  • colorful-convert-and-change-color Convert color to other format and replace color at point or active mark. If mark is active, convert colors in mark.
  • colorful-convert-and-copy-color Convert color to an other and copy it at point.
  • colorful-mode Buffer-local minor mode.
  • global-colorful-mode Global minor mode.

Key bindings

These key bindings are defined by: colorful-mode-map

  • C-x c xcolorful-change-or-copy-color.
  • C-x c ccolorful-convert-and-copy-color.
  • C-x c rcolorful-convert-and-change-color.

Setups and Guides 📖

Enabling colors to specifics major-modes

If you want to use css rgb colors outside css-derived modes, you can add them to `colorful-extra-color-keyword-functions’ in your config.

(add-to-list 'colorful-extra-color-keyword-functions '(insert-your-major-mode . colorful-add-rgb-colors))

If you want also use hsl and rgb together you can use this

(add-to-list 'colorful-extra-color-keyword-functions '(insert-your-major-mode . (colorful-add-rgb-colors colorful-add-hsl-colors)))

colorful provides extra functions out-the-box that enable additional highlighting:

  • colorful-add-hex-colors: Add Hexadecimal colors highlighting.
  • colorful-add-color-names: Add color names highlighting.
  • colorful-add-css-variables-colors: Add CSS user-defined color variables highlighting.
  • colorful-add-rgb-colors: Add CSS RGB colors highlighting.
  • colorful-add-oklab-oklch-colors: Add CSS OkLab and OkLch colors highlighting.
  • colorful-add-hsl-colors: Add CSS HSL colors highlighting.
  • colorful-add-latex-colors: Add LaTeX rgb/RGB/HTML/Grey colors highlighting.

See: colorful-extra-color-keyword-functions for more details.

Usage and Installation 📦

It’s recommended that you must use emacs-28.x or higher.

For install colorful run:

  • M-x package-install colorful-mode

Once you have it installed you can activate colorful locally in your buffer with M-x colorful-mode, if want enable it globally without using hooks then you can do M-x global-colorful-mode

Configuration ⚙️

Example (Personal) configuration for your init.el:

(use-package colorful-mode
  ;; :diminish
  ;; :ensure t ; Optional
  (colorful-use-prefix t)
  (colorful-only-strings 'only-prog)
  (css-fontify-colors nil)
  (global-colorful-mode t)
  (add-to-list 'global-colorful-modes 'helpful-mode))

Disable colorful in regions

If you want to disable colorful at region this hack may be useful for you:

(add-hook 'post-command-hook
          (lambda ()
            "delete colorful overlay on active mark"
            (when-let (colorful-mode
                       (beg (region-beginning))
                       (end (region-end)))
              (if (use-region-p)
                  (dolist (ov (overlays-in beg end))
                    (when (overlay-get ov 'colorful--overlay)
                      (remove-overlays (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov)
                                       'colorful--overlay t)))
                  (font-lock-fontify-region beg end)))))
          nil t)

How does it compare to rainbow-mode or built-in css fontify colors?

colorful-mode improves rainbow-mode and css-fontify-colors in adding more features:

Comparationcolorful-mode.elrainbow-mode.elbuilt-in css-fontify-colors
Compatible with hl-line and other overlays?
Convert color to other formats?
Optionally use string prefix/suffix instead highlight
Blacklist colors?1
Allow highlight specifics colors in specific modes2
Optionally highlight only in strings
No performance issues?3
[1] rainbow-mode (like colorful) uses regex for highlight some
    keywords, however it cannot exclude specifics colors keywords
    (such as "#def" that overrides C "#define" keyword).
[2] Only for some colors.
[3] I didn't a benchmark however due colorful-mode uses overlays
    instead text properties it can be a bit slow.

The intention is to provide a featured alternative to rainbow-mode.el and css-fontify-colors with a user-friendly approach.

If you prefer only highlights without color conversion, prefix/suffix string indicator and/or anything else you can use rainbow-mode.el.

or something built-in and just for css then use built-in css-fontify-colors which is activated by default

On the other hand, if you want convert colors, overlays, optional prefix strings and more features you can use colorful-mode.el.

colorful-mode is part of GNU ELPA, if you want send patches you will need assign copyright to the Free Software Foundation. Please see the file for getting more information.

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