Google UX Design Certificate - Portfolio Project
- Product: NoshFlix, a snack ordering app designed for moviegoers.
- Duration: October 2023 to December 2023.
- Goal: Enable users to browse, order, and pay for snacks quickly and efficiently without disrupting the movie-watching experience.
- Quick and seamless snack ordering during short movie intermissions.
- Accessibility-friendly design with assistive technologies and high contrast elements.
- User-friendly navigation and clear visual hierarchy.
- Pain Points:
- Difficulty navigating text-heavy menus.
- Inadequate accessibility for users with dietary restrictions.
- Frustrations with payment options and order tracking.
- Developed paper and digital wireframes to address user needs and pain points.
- Created a low-fidelity prototype to visualize the snack-ordering journey.
- Conducted usability studies and iteratively improved the design.
Findings from Round 1:
- Button sizes lacked consistency.
- Users were unsure if the payment was processed.
Findings from Round 2:
- Text-heavy design made the app less engaging.
- Ordering process was too lengthy.
- Duplicate components caused confusion.
- Paper Wireframes: Multiple iterations to ensure user pain points were addressed.
- Digital Wireframes: Early designs featuring efficient navigation.
- Mockups: Refined layouts after usability feedback, showcasing a polished, intuitive design.
- High contrast elements improve readability.
- Universal design principles for familiarity across cultures and languages.
- Navigation and interface designed to support assistive technologies.
- Impact: The app design was praised for being intuitive and visually engaging, with a clear hierarchy.
- Lessons Learned:
- Empathizing with users is crucial for meaningful design.
- Iterative improvements lead to a user-centered experience.
- Continue learning about design thinking and emerging tools.
- Engage with UX communities to expand professional knowledge and network.
- Explore enhancements, such as real-time order tracking or personalized snack recommendations.
For feedback or collaboration opportunities:
- Email:
- LinkedIn: Dhakshina Sri
/design # Contains exported designs (screenshots, PDFs)
/docs # Includes case study documentation and additional insights # Overview and project details