A simple voice assistant that can do basic tasks like give the time, search anything on google, stackoverflow and wikipedia, play your favourite music or open youtube for you and send email to anyone you want. You can name your assitant with anything you want, I have named it Mike.
some questions you can ask your voice assistant = What is your name? What are the things that you can do? Whats the time? Open Youtube/Google/Wikipedia/StackOverflow Search Google/wikipedia for the word 'assistant' etc. Send mail to 'anyone'
to exit, just say the word exit and the code will stop running.
to run the code, first create a folder and download the code in that folder, second, install all the libraries mentioned below before running the code and third run the code in any IDE or command prompt or terminal.
instruction to run in command prompt/terminal - python Mike.py(for python version 3.8 and below) py Mike.py(for python version 3.9 and above)
Libraries required to install before running the code pip install pyttsx3 pip install speechRecognition pip install wikipedia pip install PyAudio
if there is an error in installing the PyAudio library, refer the link below and follow the steps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf0rdIdqjQs&t=18s
I have worked on python 3.8 version and I recommend to use python 3.8 as well. However, other versions of python will also work.