Welcome to Hacktoberfest, a fantastic opportunity for students to engage with the open-source community and contribute meaningfully to various projects. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate your way through this exciting journey.
- Fork this Repository using the button at the top on right corner.
- Clone your forked repository to your pc ( git clone "url from clone option.)
- Create a new branch for your modifications (ie.
git branch new-user
and check it outgit checkout new-user
or simply dogit checkout -b new-user
) - Add your files (
git add -A
), commit (git commit -m "added myself"
) and push (git push origin new-user
) - Create a pull request
- Star this repository
- Star the Repository: Show your support by starring the repository. This helps in boosting the project's visibility.
- Follow the Account: Stay updated with the latest developments by following the repository owner's account.
- Be Open to Feedback: Engage in discussions with project maintainers. Be receptive to feedback and be willing to make necessary changes.
- Learn and Grow: Hacktoberfest is not just about contributing; it's a learning opportunity. Embrace the experience and grow your skills.
- Success Celebration: Once your PR is merged, celebrate your successful contribution to the open-source community! You've made a meaningful impact.
Remember, open source thrives on collaboration and learning. Embrace the process, enjoy your coding journey, and happy hacking! 🚀
Note: Always refer to the specific project's guidelines and code of conduct for any additional instructions or requirements regarding contributions.
Always make more then 4 pull requests.
Lets say you have made only 4 pull request to different projects,
but one project is excluded from hackoctoberfest event then your pull request will not be counted and
then you have remaining 3 valid pull requests if these projects is not excluded.
If you fail to make 4 pull requests then you can't get digital-swags.
I will recommend you to make pull request to your own repo which is very very safest side for you..
keep in mind that repo has hacktoberfest topic..