Solutions to problems from HackerRank
Dynamic Programming
- Combinations of string or set of numbers
- Game of Life
- Hashing
- Sherlock and Cost
- The coin change problem
- Construct the array
- Equal
Graph Theory
- All possible paths
- Number of connected graphs
- Check Cycle : graph contains any cycle or not
- Breadth First Search
- BFS - Shortest search
- Journey to the moon
- Krushkal algorithm
- Prims algorithm
- Minimum penalty path
- Roads and Libraries
- Deadlock detection
- Maximum flow
- Minimum cut
- Height of binary tree
- Preorder/Inorder/Postorder traversal
- Level order traversal
- Lowest common ancestor
- Top view
- Distance between two nodes
- Distance between two nodes in binary tree
- Family tree
- Level Insertion
- Equal stacks
- Maximum element
- Funny string
- Diagonal Difference
- Array manipulation
- Sparse arrays