Better Eyes is a online art gallery-project. BetterEyes is a Project that I made in my 2nd year of my Engineering with a team of 3. This is a secondry project that I have made for assignment of DM subject using PHP language.
=>Our Project is on:- online Art Gallery =>Name:- Better Eyes =>In this site user can sign-up and can create account. =>Here, user can add there owned arts for sale (by giving photo of art,art name and art price) on this site. =>And user can also buy arts from "Home" page by adding it to cart. =>In "Art" page there will be all arts of users which they have added for sale. =>By pressing big plus(+) button you can add your own art. =>After adding some art you can see it in cart with all details. and total money. =>Now if all arts are not sold then you can proceed for payment. =>If any art is sold then you can't proceed for payment. =>In payment user have to provide details like address,mobile no etc., and then can go for payment through card. =>If any art from home page is sold then "SOLD" message popups on it. =>And in the "Art" page of owner of art "SOLD" message comes, so that if owner delete SOLD art from account, then it will also removed from home page of website. =>Thank you.