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Book Store Project

This an semester Project created concerning the college course "MICROPROCESSORS". A Simple yet Complex assembly project made using emu8086

This project was created using the instruction set of x86 and modified based on functional programming and error detection to produce a more efficient code.

Project Description

This a simulator for a Book Store program that has the following features:

  • Purchase a subscription with many types ( Weekly - Monthly - Annually ).

  • Purchase More than one subscription ( 00 - 99 ).

  • Printing Out A formatted bill with the total price

  • View the available books to be purchased in the offline store.

  • Display information about the store and the categories of books in it.

  • Option to exit the program directly.


The program has some logos for a better UI experience, these logos are:

  • logo1 ( BOOK STORE )
"888888b.                     888        .d8888b.  888                            ",13,
'888  "88b                    888       d88P  Y88b 888                            ',13,                 
"888  .88P                    888       Y88b.      888                            ",13,                 
'8888888K.   .d88b.   .d88b.  888  888   "Y888b.   888888 .d88b.  888d888 .d88b.  ',13,                 
'888  "Y88b d88""88b d88""88b 888 .88P      "Y88b. 888   d88""88b 888P"  d8P  Y8b ',13,    
'888    888 888  888 888  888 888888K         "888 888   888  888 888    88888888 ',13,  
'888   d88P Y88..88P Y88..88P 888 "88b  Y88b  d88P Y88b. Y88..88P 888    Y8b. ',10,13,
'8888888P"   "Y88P"   "Y88P"  888  888   "Y8888P"   "Y888 "Y88P"  888     "Y8888 ',10,13,"$"
  • logo2 ( WELCOME )
"                              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                ",10,13,
"                              |W|E|L|C|O|M|E|                                ",10,13,
"                              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                ",10,13,"$"
  • logo3 ( WELCOME BACK )
"                 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+                    ",10,13,
"                 |W|E|L|C|O|M|E| |B|A|C|K| |A|G|A|I|N|                    ",10,13,
"                 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+                    ",10,13,
"                                                                          ",3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,10,13,"$"
  • logo4 ( GOODBYE )
"                              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                ",10,13,
"                              |G|O|O|D|B|Y|E|                                ",10,13,
"                              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                ",10,13,"$"  

Also As Mentioned This Program is Based on Functional Programming as we reduced the code by making some MACROS and PROCEDURES, and those are:

  • Print Function That takes a Parameter (str) Pointing to the variable holding the data to be printed.
macro Print str

    mov dx,offset str            
    mov ah,9                     
    int 21h
  • Returning function That is produced after finishing each action that the user take Like Purchasing A Subscription.


macro Returning
    Print Return                 ;Return is A variable holding a message to be displayed
    call GetInput                ;the input will be saved in "al"
    push ax    
    call NEWLINE_LOOP            ;A Procedure to print new line for 15 times for some clean formatting
    pop ax
    cmp al, 'y'
    je  Start                    ;if the input that is saved in "al" is equal to "y" or "Y"
    cmp al, 'Y'                  ;The Program will go to the start and begin again
    je  Start                    
    jmp ToEnd
  • Count Macro that is used to calculate the total price of number of subscriptions
macro count value 

    mov al, value
    mov bl, membership_num
    mul bl
    mov result , ax
  • GetInput Procedure that is called whenever the program is performing an input request.
GetInput proc
    mov ah, 1       ;take one char as input and save it in "al"                                        
    int 21h

    GetInput endp

... The Program Flow Works As Follows, At Startup The Main Menu Will Be Displayed For The Customer Like That


So The Customer has Four Options To Choose From ... and Here comes the first error handling in our program, if the user entered any number rather than ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) the program will produce an error message for the user and ask him to enter the correct choice


this error handling is produced using the following piece of code

;===== Getting The Menu Choise =====;
        call GetInput                   ; read the user choice  <saved as ascii code>
        cmp al, '1'                     ; first choice
        je  FIRST_CHOICE 
        cmp al, '2'                     ; second choice > Viewing info about the books
        je  SECOND_CHOICE
        cmp al, '3'                     ; third choice  > Viewing AboutUS
        je  THIRD_CHOICE
        cmp al, '4'                     ; Exit the application
        je  ToEnd
        ;;;;;  loop back to get_choice until the user choice is correct  ;;;;;
        Print wrong_choice  
        jmp get_choice        

First Choice

Now lets consider a customer wishing to purchase number of subscriptions, so he entered ( 1 ) to choose from the main menu, the program will detect that there is no error in the input and will continue to display the menu of subscriptions prices for the user


... the user must choose the type of the membership as a number between ( 1 - 6 ), if the input is not in this range there is some error handling code to make the user input the right choice

        Print membership_menu           ;display the membership prices message
        call GetInput                   ; read the user choice (What membership?)   
        ;== handle the user input ==;
        ;== check input if in range (1-6) ==;
        cmp al, '0'
        je check1failed        
        cmp al, '6'
        jle CONTINUED
        Print NewLine                   
        Print wrong_choice2  
        jmp GET_INPUT_AGAIN       ;  loop back to get_choice until the user choice is correct  ;
        mov membership_type, al
        Print NewLine

after that the program will display a message to ask the user to enter the number of subscription he wants between ( 00 - 99 ) and calculate the total price and print out the bill and ask the user if he wants to go back to the main menu again


        Print membership_amount         ;display the membership_amount
        ;===== First digit =====;
        call GetInput                   ; Get the number of Memberships      
        SUB AL, 30H                     ; converting first digit from ascii to number
        MOV AH, 0
        MOV BL, 10
        MUL BL
        MOV BL, AL  
        ;===== Second digit =====;
        call GetInput    
        SUB AL, 30H                     ; convert second digit from ascii to number
        MOV AH, 0
        ADD AL, BL      
        mov membership_num, al 
        Print NewLine
        ;===== Comparing Which Membership Triggered =====;
        cmp membership_type, '1'
        je  ADULT_0
        cmp membership_type, '2'
        je  CHILD_0
        cmp membership_type, '3'
        je  ADULT_M
        cmp membership_type, '4'
        je  CHILD_M
        cmp membership_type, '5'
        je  ADULT_Y
        cmp membership_type, '6'
        je  CHILD_Y
 		;====  based on the type  of subscription the user choosed ====; 
        ;==== we bass the price of the subscription to the count function ====;
            Count adult
            Count child
            Count adultM
            Count childM
            Count adultY
            Count childY
        ;=== After that we store the result produced by count macro into an array to print it ===;      
            Print Total_msg      
            mov ax, result
            mov result, 0                                       
            ;===== convert decimal to hex to print result =====;
            LEA SI, RES
            MOV CX,0
            MOV BX,10                              
                MOV DX,0
                DIV BX              ;DX:AX/BX >> res in AX and reminder in DX
                ADD DL,30H
                PUSH DX
                INC CX
                CMP AX,9
                JG LOOP1
                ADD AL,30H
                MOV [SI],AL
                POP AX
                INC SI
                MOV [SI],AL
                LOOP LOOP2
            Print RES
            Print NewLine
            Print NewLine

Second Choice

IF the user decided to go back again to the main menu the program will start over and print the welcome logo and this time lets consider a user choosing the second choice


the program will again check if there is any errors to be handled then will proceed to display the list of books available in the store to be purchased offline.

;===== Checking Prices And Offers =====; 
	Print INFO

Third Choice

if user wants to know more about the Book Store then his choice will be ( 3 ) and the program will print out some info ...


Fourth Choice

This Choice gives the user the option to end the program, the program will do so and return control to the OS but first it will produce a GOODBYE message.


	cmp al, '4'                     ; Exit the application
	je  ToEnd

;;;;;;;;;  Ending The Program  ;;;;;;;;;;;;
    Print GoodBye
    end main

Team Members & Work Timeline

We started working on this project in "Nov 14, 2021" and finished on "Jan 5, 2022" and the contributors involved in this work are

Diaa El-Dein Hassan Kamal BU9D4DDY
Ramzi Muhammad Ramzi RamziMohamad
Abd El-Rahman Atef El-Sayed Abdelrahman-Atef-Elsayed
Abdullah Hamdy Saleh Abdullahh74
Ali Ahmed Saeid AliAhmed3

and here is a screenshot of the workflow using GitKraken software ...




Also We have released two releases during this