This repository collects XML versions of the following editions of the Greek text of the Parian Marble encoded according to the EpiDoc Guidelines:
: IG XII.5.444fhg_1
: FHG I, pp. 533-590 (DFHG project: lofts:fhg.1.marmor_parium) (automatically encoded as part of the DFHG project)fgrhist_239
: FGrHist 239rotstein_2016
: A. Rotstein. Literary History in the Parian Marble. Center for Hellenic Studies. Washington DC: Harvard University Press. 2016, pp. 21-38
The text of the Parian Marble is characterized by Attic acrophonic numerals to express the number of years that elapse from 264/63 BC and to express people's ages. These numerals are encoded according to the EpiDoc guidelines: see Dates, Dating Formulae, Ages and Acrophonic numbers.
The acrophonic numbers five (π
) and fifty (π
) are encoded with their correspondent HTML entitites (𐅃
and 𐅄
) for reasons of portability, because not every font and editor can display them.