Universal IR Blaster TV-B-Gone Firmware Version 1.5.1
Changes made in V1.5.1 compared to V1.4:
- Added PalatisSoftPWM library by per1234 and Palatis
- STAT LED is now dimmable using software pwm using Timer1, frequency is currently set to 60Hz
- Added P command to set PWM value for STAT LED. Value is saved to and read from EEPROM. Possible range is from 1 to 255
- In N command mode ID of code in list can be entered to skip directly to that id and transmit that code.
- Low battery warning is now changed to STAT LED fading out 2 times.
- BAUD Rate changed from 115200 to 1000000 (1M) Baud due to high error at 115.2k. There is no baud error at 1M baud now.
- Hardware version check fail watchdog timeout is increased to 2 seconds from 15ms to prevent bootloader lockup.
- Default selected user is now User1 and not Region codes.
- Added CP2104 USB Serial Number to EEPROM and Info menu / JSON Data Query.
- Wake button now selects User1 instead of Region codes.
- Wake button + Option switch 1 now select Region codes.
- Wake button + Option switch 2 now select User2 codes.
- Wake button + Option switch 3 now select User3 codes.
- Option switch 1 during boot now turns on sleep override.
- Option switch 2 during boot now turns on debug override.
- Changed sequence of User1 codes.
- Added TV codes to User1:
- Blueberry
- LG
- Tesla (classic version, not smart tv)
- Added STB codes to User1:
- D3Mini STB