The first server plugin as a zero-based learner of Java.
It's just a simple listener plugin,which is used to listening messages or commands players sent automatically.
It can also listen the specified words in the config.yml.
You can edit the config.yml to set your email profile or other things.
Used javax and gradle shadow.
- /ltp help -Finding help.
- /ltp mail <all/message/command> -sending email with messages or commands collected,and clear gather.
all -sending messages and commands
message -sending messages
command s-ending commands
- /ltp word <add /clear/list> -adding a listening messages word.(If the gather is empty,the plugin will listen all messages)
add <String> -adding words.
clear -clear words.
list -listing added words.
- /ltp list <command/message> -listing all messages or commands collected.
message -listing messages
command -listing commands
- /ltp time <false/true/set > -setting wether to sending email automatically on a scheduled basis or setting the sending time.It not seems to work?
false -will not send email automatically.
true -will send email automatically.
set <int> -set sending time(h).
- /ltp reload -reload config.
- /ltp clear <command/message> -clear the messages' or commands' gather.
message -clear messages
command -clear commands
Bukkit Spigot 1.19.4
./gradlew shadowJar
gradle build