Some attempts to use the WT32-SC01-Plus module using arduino-IDE.
As destination you should (and must) select "ESP32S3 Dev Module" - NOT "ESP32C3" !!!
01 - 1st step ... simple "Hello World"
02 - usage of LVGL to test the display
03 - (very) simple Web-Radio using AudiotTools from pschatzmann
04 - same like #03 but using schreibfauls audio
05 - much more with GUI, generated with Squareline Studio
You should 1st copy the file "lv_conf.h" from this Repo (in "lvgl") to your Arduino/libraries folder
Used (arduiono libraries:
Audio-tools (from Schreibfaul1)
For the examples using SD-Card for reading the configuration (like WiFi, Password, stations), I'm using the file "config.json" in "JSON"