Docker Containers for nebliod
neblioteam/buildpack-deps: A base Ubuntu 16.04 docker container with dependencies installed to build nebliod
neblioteam/nebliod-build: A container for building the latest version of nebliod, and then syncing and saving the blockchain
neblioteam/nebliod: The main nebliod container that end users will use. Instantly launches and starts nebliod with a fully-synced blockchain.
Prerequisites: Any system with docker installed.
To launch a fully functional nebliod node, with QuickSync simply run the following command:
sudo docker run -i -t --rm --name nebliod -v $HOME/neblio-data:/root/.neblio -p 6325:6325 neblioteam/nebliod
Blockchain data and nebliod configuration files will be persistently stored on the local machine at $HOME/neblio-data