In this project, I'm using Elasticsearch 2.4 to create and configure a Index with one-node in local computer for searching news crawled from yahoo. In this, I'm only configure and push data to Elasticsearch. But I leart many things and concept in Elasticsearch such as: Cluster, Index, Analyzers for analyze information when indexing and searching, and somes skill in searching include: rank page algorithm, vector-space model and many knowledge in Information Retrival.
- Guide to run Elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch was indexed with information crawled from Yahoo, in index "yahoo", all was stored at document "news"
- To run Elasticsearch from the folder, cd to elasticsearch-2.4.0/bin
- running ./elasticsearch
- elasticsearch ís Restful apt so any one would like to search or analyze can connect to: localhost:9200
- in this project I don't code or using apt to search I'm responsible to indexing and configure Elasticsearch
- Guide to use some api is createb by me for using in future
- Project webapp_inf_retrival just contains two file and in package elas.parse_json
- Elasticsearch, when searching results is very many, so in apt is built for retrive 5 documents per time
- Can directly use the method defaultSearch() in class, but you must give input parameter the number of page, 1,2 or 3,. . .
- This method just only return a body json for searching
- After that user using this method must implement a POST request sent to resful api at : http://localhost:9200/yahoo/news/_search?search_type=dfs_query_then_fetch with body is json from above method 3 Get the results of searching:
- results be returned has followed format: { "took": 171, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 5, "successful": 5, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 4472, "max_score": 28.3012, "hits": [ { "_index": "yahoo", "_type": "news", "_id": "1865", "_score": 12.90229, "_source": { "content": "Apple CEO Tim Cook broke down", "description": "Apple CEO Tim", "title": "Apple CEO uses sofa", "url": "" } }, { "_index": "yahoo", "_type": "news", "_id": "5326", "_score": 12.488981, "_source": { "content": "First things first", "description": "First things", "title": "There Are Many Ways You Can ", "url": "" } } ] } }
- results in hits.hits[] property
Minh-Duc Vu from Ha Noi university of science and technology