HoYoShade V2.4.1 Stable 现已推出~
DuolaDStudio X 阿向菌AXBro X Ex_M
[2025/03/10更新] 受中国大陆地区当局政府的监管审查要求及政策因素,部分Mod在注入至专供中国大陆地区客户端并进入游戏后会被反作弊检测,并使你的账号强制离线(例如:游玩过程中提示“数据异常,请重新登录游戏。错误码:15-4001”)。如果你确信你已经按照教程准确无误的安装了Mod,那么极有可能是因为Mod已被反作弊系统检测。此类问题提交issues是无效的,因为此类行为属于临时调整,并非常态。 我们建议你在3/6/9/12月或其他特殊节日的第一周/当月避免使用任何Mod及其他插件,或者转而使用国际服客户端游玩Mod及其他插件。
如果你正在使用Windows11,请不要将系统版本更新至24H2。否则你可能会遇到一些在现阶段无法解决的问题/Bug,使用Windows11 24H2系统反馈的issues也将不会得到优先解决。为了保证你获得稳定的使用体验,我们建议你将系统降级到Windows11 23H2进行使用。如果你使用Windows更新功能更新至24H2,且暂时还没有删除既往的Windows更新文件,你可以点击系统设置-左侧侧边栏的系统-恢复-点击返回。按照操作指引选择保留所有资料返回即可无损降级至23H2。降级后,我们推荐你前往系统设置-系统-恢复-使用Windows更新修复问题来重装一次当前系统,以尽可能降低发生问题的可能。
- 升级ReShade版本为V6.4.1 Official with full add-on support
- 已添加所有来自ReShade V6.4.1 Official with full add-on support的更改
有关ReShade V6.4.1的更新内容,你可以点击这里查看更新日志。
如果你已经安装了(Open)HoYoShade V2.4.0 Stable版本,请下载 (Open)HoYoShade.V2.4.1.Stable.zip 进行替换升级。
Commit日志: V2.4.0-Stable...V2.4.1-Stable
[2025/03/10更新] 受中國大陸地區當局政府的監管審查要求及政策因素,部分Mod在注入至專供中國大陸地區客戶端並進入遊戲後會被反作弊檢測,並使你的賬號強制離線(例如:遊玩過程中提示“數據異常,請重新登錄遊戲。錯誤碼:15-4001”)。如果你確信你已經按照教程準確無誤的安裝了Mod,那麼極有可能是因爲Mod已被反作弊系統檢測。此類問題提交issues是無效的,因爲此類行爲屬於臨時調整,並非常態。 我們建議你在3/6/9/12月或其他特殊節日的第一週/當月避免使用任何Mod及其他插件,或者轉而使用國際服客戶端遊玩Mod及其他插件。
如果你正在使用Windows11,請不要將系統版本更新至24H2。否則你可能會遇到一些在現階段無法解決的問題/Bug,使用Windows11 24H2系統反饋的issues也將不會得到優先解決。爲了保證你獲得穩定的使用體驗,我們建議你將系統降級到Windows11 23H2進行使用。如果你使用Windows更新功能更新至24H2,且暫時還沒有刪除既往的Windows更新文件,你可以點擊系統設置-左側側邊欄的系統-恢復-點擊返回。按照操作指引選擇保留所有資料返回即可無損降級至23H2。降級後,我們推薦你前往系統設置-系統-恢復-使用Windows更新修復問題來重裝一次當前系統,以儘可能降低發生問題的可能。
- 升級ReShade版本爲V6.4.1 Official with full add-on support
- 已添加所有來自ReShade V6.4.1 Official with full add-on support的更改
有關ReShade V6.4.1的更新內容,你可以點擊這裏查看更新日誌。
如果你已經安裝了(Open)HoYoShade V2.4.0 Stable版本,請下載 (Open)HoYoShade.V2.4.1.Stable.zip 進行替換升級。
Commit日誌: V2.4.0-Stable...V2.4.1-Stable
English Update Log:
[Updated on 2025/03/10] Due to regulatory review requirements and policy factors imposed by the authorities goverment in mainland China, certain mods may be detected by the anti-cheat system when injected into the client specifically for mainland China and upon entering the game. This can result in your account being forcibly logged out (e.g., receiving an in-game prompt stating: "Data anomaly detected, please log in again. Error code: 15-4001"). If you are certain that you have installed the mod correctly according to the tutorial, it is highly likely that the mod has been detected by the anti-cheat system. Submitting issues regarding this matter is ineffective, as this is a temporary adjustment rather than a permanent change. We recommend that you avoid using any Mods or other plugins during the first week or throughout the entire month of March, June, September, December, or other special holidays, or switch to using the international server client to play with Mods and other plugins.
If you are using Windows 11, do not update your system to version 24H2. Doing so may cause issues or bugs that cannot currently be resolved. Issues reported from systems running Windows 11 24H2 will not be prioritized for resolution. To ensure a stable experience, we recommend downgrading your system to Windows 11 23H2.
If you have updated to 24H2 via the Windows Update feature and have not yet deleted previous update files, you can navigate to System Settings > System > Recovery > Go Back. Follow the instructions to downgrade to 23H2 while keeping all your files intact. After downgrading, we recommend you go to System Settings > System > Recovery and use the Fix Problems Using Windows Update feature to reinstall the current system, minimizing potential issues.
Based on feedback from some miHoYo/HoYoverse creators, HoYoShade may not provide stable performance when used on high-cost-performance laptops purchased in mainland China. Upon investigation, the majority of these issues are related to the hardware of the devices themselves (e.g., design flaws causing overheating, prolonged lack of cleaning and thermal paste replacement, etc.). HoYoShade will not prioritize addressing issues caused by non-Mod-related factors. Please check whether the issue is hardware-related before reporting it, and only provide feedback after confirming it is not a hardware problem.
Before Downloading...
If you're unsure about the differences between HoYoShade and OpenHoYoShade or which one you should download, please check the Readme.md.
- Upgraded ReShade to version V6.4.1 Official with full add-on support.
- Added all changes from ReShade V6.4.1 Official with full add-on support.
For the updates of ReShade V6.4.1, you can click here to view the changelog.
If you have installed (Open)HoYoShade V2.4.0 Stable, download (Open)HoYoShade.V2.4.1.Stable.zip to upgrade.
Simply extract all files in the zip to the mod root directory. When prompted about duplicate files, choose to replace them. There is no need to reset ReShade.ini.
Full Changelog: V2.4.0-Stable...V2.4.1-Stable