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E0SelmY4V committed Dec 20, 2022
2 parents b1825ac + 95ebe6b commit 1b4eee4
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Showing 2 changed files with 115 additions and 1 deletion.
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions main.d.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import {
} from 'accurtype'
export namespace scpoProce {
type CbNor<P extends any[] = any[], R = any, T extends any[] = []> = (...arg: [...P, ...T]) => R
type CbCur<P extends any[] = any[], E extends any[] = [any], R = any> = CbNor<[CbNor<P, void> | never, CbNor<E, void> | never], R, never[]>
type CbNxt<P extends any[] = any[], P0 extends any[] = [], E extends any[] = [any], R = any> = CbNor<[CbNor<P, void> | never, CbNor<E, void> | never, ...P0], R, never[]>
type STimer = number | null
type ListGot<L, T = any[]> = L extends ArrayLike<any> ? L[0] extends T ? L[0] : L : L
const isBrowser: boolean
function apply<P extends any[], R>(f: (...param: P) => R, t: any, p: P): R
function isThenable(n: any): n is PromiseLike<any>
function isArrayLike(n: any): n is ArrayLike<any>
function arrayFrom<T>(n: ArrayLike<T>): T[]
function getList<T>(list: T): ListGot<T, ArrayLike<any>>
type ProceN = Proce<any[], any[]>
type ProceArgs<T> = T extends Proce<infer A, any[]> ? A : [T]
type ProceFilled<T extends number, A extends ProceN[] = []> = T extends 0 ? A : ProceFilled<SntXcrNum<9, T, number>, [ProceN, ...A]>
type ProceTaked<T, D extends number = -1> = D extends 0 ? T : T extends [Proce<infer F, any[]>, ...any[]] ? ProceTaked<F, SntXcrNum<9, D, number>> : T
type SnakeList<T extends any[][], E extends any[] = [any]> = T extends [infer P0 extends any[], infer P extends any[], ...infer K extends any[]] ? [CbNxt<P, P0, E>, ...SnakeList<[P, ...K], E>] : []
type SnakeRslt<T extends any[], F = 0> = T extends [CbNxt<infer P, infer S>, ...infer K extends any[]] ? [...(F extends 0 ? [S, P] : [P]), ...SnakeRslt<K, 1>] : [];
type OnedArgs<T extends any[]> = T extends (infer K)[] ? ProceArgs<K> : never;
function getId(): number
class Proce<P extends any[] = any[], E extends any[] = [any]> {
constructor(doexpr?: CbCur<P, E>, config?: Config, cleared?: boolean)
id: number
queuetodo: CbNor<P>[]
queueordo: CbNor<E>[]
cleared: boolean
acted: boolean
nmArg: boolean
lastRtn: P | P[0] | E | E[0]
lastErr: STimer
lastDef: STimer
config: ConfigClass
pointer: number
before?: ProceN
uncaught: boolean
doRtn<R>(expr: CbNor<P, R>, param: P | P[0] | E | E[0]): R
act<R>(doexpr: CbCur<P, E, R>): R
act<R, R0 extends any[] = []>(doexpr: CbNxt<P, R0, E, R> | CbCur<P, E, R>, args: R0): R
clear(param: P | P[0]): void
exeordo(param: E | E[0]): any
toss: (errObj: E[0]) => void
getBefore(n?: ProceArray): ProceArray
setBefore(n: ProceArray | ProceN[]): void
tpus<R>(todo?: CbNor<P, R, void[]>, ordo?: CbNor<E, R, void[]>): void
then<R>(todo?: CbNor<P, R, void[]>, ordo?: CbNor<E, R, void[]>): Proce<[R]>
trap<R>(ordo?: CbNor<E, R, void[]>): Proce<[R]>
next<P1 extends any[], E1 extends any[], R>(doexpr?: CbNxt<P1, P, E1, R>, ordo?: CbNor<E1, R, void[]>, config?: Config): Proce<P1, E1>
take<D extends number = -1>(depth?: D): Proce<ProceTaked<P, D>, E>
take<R, D extends number = -1, T1 = Proce<ProceTaked<P, D>, E>>(todo:<T1, R, 0>, ordo?:<T1, R, 1>, depth?: D): Proce<[R]>
conf<E1>(config?: Config, ordo?: CbNor<E, E1, void[]>): t.cp<P, E1>
configAll(n?: Config): Proce<P, E>
todo<A extends Accur<A>, P1 extends A[]>(...n: P1): Proce<P1, []>
ordo<A extends Accur<A>, E1 extends A[]>(...n: E1): Proce<[], E1>
snake(n?: []): Proce<P, E>
snake<F extends CbNxt<any[], P>, A extends CbNxt[], E1 extends any[], B extends any[] = t.sf<F, P, A>>(n:<B, E1, F, A>):<B, E1>
snake<F extends CbNxt<any[], P>, A extends CbNxt[], E1 extends any[], B extends any[] = t.sf<F, P, A>>(...n:<B, E1, F, A>):<B, E1>
one<A extends Accur<A>, T extends ArrayAccur<A>>(n: T): Proce<OnedArgs<T>, []>
one<A extends Accur<A>, T extends A[]>(...n: T): Proce<OnedArgs<T>, []>
all<A extends Accur<A>, T extends ArrayAccur<A>>(n: T): Proce<Transposed<UedProce<T>>>
all<A extends Accur<A>, T extends A[]>(...n: T): Proce<Transposed<UedProce<T>>>
function then<R>(todo?: CbNor<[], R, void[]>, ordo?: CbNor<[], R, void[]>): Proce<[R]>
function trap<R>(ordo?: CbNor<[], R, void[]>): Proce<[R]>
function next<P1 extends any[], E1 extends any[], R>(doexpr?: CbNxt<P1, [], E1, R>, ordo?: CbNor<E1, R, void[]>, config?: Config): Proce<P1, E1>
function conf<E1>(config?: Config, ordo?: CbNor<[], E1, void[]>): t.cp<[], E1>
function configAll(): Proce<[], []>
function todo<A extends Accur<A>, P1 extends A[]>(...n: P1): Proce<P1, []>
function ordo<A extends Accur<A>, E1 extends A[]>(...n: E1): Proce<[], E1>
function snake(n?: []): Proce<[], []>
function snake<F extends CbNxt<any[], []>, A extends CbNxt[], E1 extends any[], B extends any[] = t.sf<F, [], A>>(n:<B, E1, F, A>):<B, E1>
function snake<F extends CbNxt<any[], []>, A extends CbNxt[], E1 extends any[], B extends any[] = t.sf<F, [], A>>(...n:<B, E1, F, A>):<B, E1>
function one<A extends Accur<A>, T extends ArrayAccur<A>>(n: T): Proce<OnedArgs<T>, []>
function one<A extends Accur<A>, T extends A[]>(...n: T): Proce<OnedArgs<T>, []>
function all<A extends Accur<A>, T extends ArrayAccur<A>>(n: T): Proce<Transposed<UedProce<T>>>
function all<A extends Accur<A>, T extends A[]>(...n: T): Proce<Transposed<UedProce<T>>>
type LtdUedProce<T> = T extends [infer K, ...infer T1] ? [ProceArgs<K>, ...LtdUedProce<T1>] : []
type UedProce<T extends any[]> = ArrayLtdSplited<T> extends [infer T0, (infer S)[], infer T2] ? [...LtdUedProce<T0>, ...(ProceArgs<S> extends never ? [] : ProceArgs<S>[]), ...LtdUedProce<T2>] : []
namespace t {
type tf<T1, R, W> = CbNor<T1 extends Proce<infer P, infer E> ? W extends 0 ? P : E : W extends 0 ? [] : [any], R, void[]>
type cp<P extends any[], E1> = Proce<P extends [] ? [] : [P[0]], [E1]>
type sf<F, P extends any[], A extends any[]> = SnakeRslt<[CbNxt<F extends CbNxt<infer K> ? K : any[], P>, ...A]>
type sm<B extends any[], E1 extends any[], F, A extends any[]> = SnakeList<B, E1> | [F, ...A]
type st<B extends any[], E1 extends any[]> = Proce<B extends [...any[], infer K] ? K : any[], E1>
class ProceArray<P extends any[] = any[], E extends any[] = [any]> extends Array<Proce<P, E>> {
constructor(...proce: Proce<P, E>[])
then(todo?: CbNor<P, void[]>, ordo?: CbNor<E, void[]>): void
trap(ordo?: CbNor<E, void[]>): void
supp(ordo?: CbNor<E, void[]>): void
index: { [id: number]: true }
pointer: number
type Config = Omit<ConfigClass, 'get' | 'set'> | ConfigClass
class ConfigClass<P extends any[] = any[], E extends any[] = [any]> {
constructor(n: Config, proc?: Proce<P, E>)
static configAll(n?: Config): void
set(n?: Config): void
get(n?: Config): Config
trap: 'all' | 'no-trap' | 'none'
proc?: Proce<P, E>
todo?: CbNor<P>
ordo?: CbNor<E>
export function scpoProce<P extends any[], E extends any[] = [any]>(doexpr: scpoProce.CbCur<P, E>, config?: scpoProce.Config): scpoProce.Proce<P>
export function scpoProce<A extends Accur<A>, P extends A[]>(...arg: P): scpoProce.Proce<P, []>
export default scpoProce
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"accurtype": "^2.3.107"
"accurtype": "^2.4.159"

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