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Add reduced diagnostic: 2d differential luminosity (#5545)
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Adds a luminosity diagnostic differentiated in the energies of two
colliding species, called `DifferentialLuminosity2D`.
It is defined as follows:
\frac{d^2\mathcal{L}}{dE_1 dE_2}(E_1, E_2, t)  = \int_0^t dt'\int d\boldsymbol{x}\, & \int d\boldsymbol{p}_1 \int d\boldsymbol{p}_2\; \sqrt{ |\boldsymbol{v}_1 - \boldsymbol{v}_2|^2 - |\boldsymbol{v}_1\times\boldsymbol{v}_2|^2/c^2} \\ 
& f_1(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{p}_1, t')f_2(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{p}_2, t') \delta(E_1 - E_1(\boldsymbol{p}_1) \delta( E_2 - E_2(\boldsymbol{p}_2))
*  $\boldsymbol{p}_i$ is the momentum of a particle of species $i$
* $E_i$ is the energy of a particle of species $i$, $E_i
(\boldsymbol{p}_i) = \sqrt{m_1^2c^4 + c^2 |\boldsymbol{p}_i|^2}$
* $f_i$ is the distribution function of species $i$, normalized such
that $\int \int f(\boldsymbol{x} \boldsymbol{p}, t )d\boldsymbol{x}
d\boldsymbol{p} = N$, the number of particles in species $i$ at time $t$

The 2D differential luminosity is given in units of $\text{m}^{-2} \

The user must specify the minimum, maximum, and number of bins to
discretize the $E_1$ and $E_2$ axes.
The computation of this diagnostic is similar to that of
The output is a folder containing a set of openPMD files.
The values of the diagnostic are stored in a record labeled
`d2L_dE1_dE2`, with axes `E1` and `E2`.


Co-authored-by: Remi Lehe <>
  • Loading branch information
aeriforme and RemiLehe authored Feb 14, 2025
1 parent 7e339a0 commit eb26277
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Showing 9 changed files with 583 additions and 17 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions Docs/source/usage/parameters.rst
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Expand Up @@ -3626,6 +3626,52 @@ This shifts analysis from post-processing to runtime calculation of reduction op
* ``<reduced_diags_name>.bin_min`` (`float`, in eV)
The maximum value of :math:`\mathcal{E}^*` for which the differential luminosity is computed.

* ``DifferentialLuminosity2D``
This type computes the two-dimensional differential luminosity between two species, defined as:

.. math::
\frac{d^2\mathcal{L}}{dE_1 dE_2}(E_1, E_2, t) = \int_0^t dt'\int d\boldsymbol{x}\, \int d\boldsymbol{p}_1 \int d\boldsymbol{p}_2\;
\sqrt{ |\boldsymbol{v}_1 - \boldsymbol{v}_2|^2 - |\boldsymbol{v}_1\times\boldsymbol{v}_2|^2/c^2} \\
f_1(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{p}_1, t')f_2(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{p}_2, t') \delta(E_1 - E_1(\boldsymbol{p}_1)) \delta(E_2 - E_2(\boldsymbol{p}_2))
where :math:`f_i` is the distribution function of species :math:`i`
(normalized such that :math:`\int \int f(\boldsymbol{x} \boldsymbol{p}, t )d\boldsymbol{x} d\boldsymbol{p} = N`
is the number of particles in species :math:`i` at time :math:`t`),
:math:`\boldsymbol{p}_i` and :math:`E_i (\boldsymbol{p}_i) = \sqrt{m_1^2c^4 + c^2 |\boldsymbol{p}_i|^2}`
are, respectively, the momentum and the energy of a particle of the :math:`i`-th species.
The 2D differential luminosity is given in units of :math:`\text{m}^{-2}.\text{eV}^{-2}`.

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.species`` (`list of two strings`)
The names of the two species for which the differential luminosity is computed.

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.bin_number_1`` (`int` > 0)
The number of bins in energy :math:`E_1`

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.bin_max_1`` (`float`, in eV)
The minimum value of :math:`E_1` for which the 2D differential luminosity is computed.

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.bin_min_1`` (`float`, in eV)
The maximum value of :math:`E_2` for which the 2D differential luminosity is compute

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.bin_number_2`` (`int` > 0)
The number of bins in energy :math:`E_2`

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.bin_max_2`` (`float`, in eV)
The minimum value of :math:`E_2` for which the 2D differential luminosity is computed.

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.bin_min_2`` (`float`, in eV)
The minimum value of :math:`E_2` for which the 2D differential luminosity is computed.

* ``<reduced_diags_name>.file_min_digits`` (`int`) optional (default `6`)
The minimum number of digits used for the iteration number appended to the diagnostic file names.

The output is a ``<reduced_diags_name>`` folder containing a set of openPMD files.
The values of the diagnostic are stored in a record labeled `d2L_dE1_dE2`.
An example input file and a loading python script of
using the DifferentialLuminosity2D reduced diagnostics
are given in ``Examples/Tests/diff_lumi_diag/``.

* ``Timestep``
This type outputs the simulation's physical timestep (in seconds) at each mesh refinement level.

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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion Examples/Tests/diff_lumi_diag/CMakeLists.txt
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Add tests (alphabetical order) ##############################################

test_3d_diff_lumi_diag_leptons # name
3 # dims
Expand All @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ add_warpx_test(
" --path diags/diag1000080 --rtol 1e-2" # checksum
OFF # dependency

test_3d_diff_lumi_diag_photons # name
3 # dims
Expand All @@ -20,3 +22,4 @@ add_warpx_test(
" --path diags/diag1000080 --rtol 1e-2" # checksum
OFF # dependency
57 changes: 44 additions & 13 deletions Examples/Tests/diff_lumi_diag/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,15 +5,20 @@
# In that case, the differential luminosity can be calculated analytically.

import os
import re

import numpy as np
from read_raw_data import read_reduced_diags_histogram
from openpmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries

# Extract the differential luminosity from the file
_, _, E_bin, bin_data = read_reduced_diags_histogram(
dL_dE_sim = bin_data[-1] # Differential luminosity at the end of the simulation
# Extract the 1D differential luminosity from the file
filename = "./diags/reducedfiles/DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.txt"
with open(filename) as f:
# First line: header, contains the energies
line = f.readline()
E_bin = np.array(list(map(float, re.findall("=(.*?)\(", line))))
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
dE_bin = E_bin[1] - E_bin[0]
dL_dE_sim = data[-1, 2:] # Differential luminosity at the end of the simulation

# Beam parameters
N = 1.2e10
Expand All @@ -33,21 +38,47 @@
* np.exp(-((E_bin - 2 * E_beam) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_E**2))

# Extract the 2D differential luminosity from the file
series = OpenPMDTimeSeries("./diags/reducedfiles/DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2/")
d2L_dE1_dE2_sim, info = series.get_field("d2L_dE1_dE2", iteration=80)

# Compute the analytical 2D differential luminosity for 2 Gaussian beams
assert info.axes[0] == "E2"
assert info.axes[1] == "E1"
E2, E1 = np.meshgrid(info.E2, info.E1, indexing="ij")
d2L_dE1_dE2_th = (
/ (2 * (2 * np.pi) ** 2 * sigma_x * sigma_y * sigma_E1 * sigma_E2)
* np.exp(
-((E1 - E_beam) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_E1**2)
- (E2 - E_beam) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_E2**2)

# Extract test name from path
test_name = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[1]
print("test_name", test_name)

# Pick tolerance
if "leptons" in test_name:
tol = 1e-2
tol1 = 0.02
tol2 = 0.04
elif "photons" in test_name:
# In the photons case, the particles are
# initialized from a density distribution ;
# tolerance is larger due to lower particle statistics
tol = 6e-2
tol1 = 0.021
tol2 = 0.06

# Check that the 1D diagnostic and analytical result match
error1 = abs(dL_dE_sim - dL_dE_th).max() / abs(dL_dE_th).max()
print("Relative error: ", error1)
print("Tolerance: ", tol1)

# Check that the 2D and 1D diagnostics match
error2 = abs(d2L_dE1_dE2_sim - d2L_dE1_dE2_th).max() / abs(d2L_dE1_dE2_th).max()
print("Relative error: ", error2)
print("Tolerance: ", tol2)

# Check that the simulation result and analytical result match
error = abs(dL_dE_sim - dL_dE_th).max() / abs(dL_dE_th).max()
print("Relative error: ", error)
print("Tolerance: ", tol)
assert error < tol
assert error1 < tol1
assert error2 < tol2
17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions Examples/Tests/diff_lumi_diag/inputs_base_3d
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Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ my_constants.dt = sigmaz/clight/10.

stop_time = T
amr.n_cell = nx ny nz
amr.max_grid_size = 128
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,11 +94,21 @@ diag1.dump_last_timestep = 1
diag1.species = beam1 beam2

warpx.reduced_diags_names = DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2
warpx.reduced_diags_names = DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2 DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2

DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.type = DifferentialLuminosity
DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.intervals = 5
DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.intervals = 80
DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.species = beam1 beam2
DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.bin_number = 128
DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.bin_max = 2.1*beam_energy_eV
DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.bin_min = 1.9*beam_energy_eV
DifferentialLuminosity_beam1_beam2.bin_min = 0

DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.type = DifferentialLuminosity2D
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.intervals = 80
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.species = beam1 beam2
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.bin_number_1 = 128
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.bin_max_1 = 1.45*beam_energy_eV
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.bin_min_1 = 0
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.bin_number_2 = 128
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.bin_max_2 = 1.45*beam_energy_eV
DifferentialLuminosity2d_beam1_beam2.bin_min_2 = 0
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Source/Diagnostics/ReducedDiags/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ foreach(D IN LISTS WarpX_DIMS)
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70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions Source/Diagnostics/ReducedDiags/DifferentialLuminosity2D.H
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
/* Copyright 2023 The WarpX Community
* This file is part of WarpX.
* Authors: Arianna Formenti, Remi Lehe
* License: BSD-3-Clause-LBNL


#include "ReducedDiags.H"
#include <AMReX_GpuContainers.H>
#include <AMReX_TableData.H>

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

* This class contains the differential luminosity diagnostics.
class DifferentialLuminosity2D : public ReducedDiags

* constructor
* @param[in] rd_name reduced diags names
DifferentialLuminosity2D(const std::string& rd_name);

/// File type
std::string m_openpmd_backend {"default"};

/// minimum number of digits for file suffix (file-based only supported for now) */
int m_file_min_digits = 6;

/// name of the two colliding species
std::vector<std::string> m_beam_name;

/// number of bins for the c.o.m. energy of the 2 species
int m_bin_num_1;
int m_bin_num_2;

/// max and min bin values
amrex::Real m_bin_max_1;
amrex::Real m_bin_min_1;
amrex::Real m_bin_max_2;
amrex::Real m_bin_min_2;

/// bin size
amrex::Real m_bin_size_1;
amrex::Real m_bin_size_2;

/// output data
amrex::TableData<amrex::Real,2> m_h_data_2D;

void ComputeDiags(int step) final;

void WriteToFile (int step) const final;


/// output table in which to accumulate the luminosity across timesteps
amrex::TableData<amrex::Real,2> m_d_data_2D;



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