These are behaviour-driven tests for the EGI website, using cucumber.
The features directory contains user stories and features that the website should have.
The features are written in the gherkin language, using plain human language.
Tests are implemented in ruby, and found in the features/step_definitions/
If you have a scenario or feature which should be present on the website, it should come here. You should be able to run the tests on your local setup in order to test your proposed feature, before opening a pull request and discussing it. This will require an installation of cucumber, and backing tools for browser automation.
We use Watir to implement the tests, which in turn requires a selenium driver for the browser you want to test with. Watir's documentation goes into detail about how to use it, but their guides are more readable when getting started:
For an example, see the before_install
part of the Travis setup
We refer to the Cucumber documentation for explaining how to do this. A good starting point is their BDD overview
Running the tests is simple: just execute cucumber
on the command line 🎉
You should get a test summary:
egi-website-tests$ cucumber
@checkin @public @engagement
Feature: Does the EGI Website correctly describe the state of CheckIn?
Everybody expects CheckIn to be in production, but it is only production for internal users.
External users are able to enquire about it, even though it's marked as beta
Scenario: CheckIn is in Beta for the world, but production internally # features/checkin_is_properly_described.feature:6
Given I am on # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:8
When I go to Services # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:15
Then I see a link to Internal Services # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:19
And I see a link to CheckIn # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:23
And The page shows that CheckIn for external users is in Beta # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:30
Given I am on the services page # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:38
When I go to internal services # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:43
Then it has a list of services # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:47
And one of them is Security # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:54
And The security item lists CheckIn # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:59
But the service is not marked in Beta # features/step_definitions/stepdefs.rb:63
1 scenario (1 passed)
11 steps (11 passed)
Tests that fail are then used to help the developers implement desired features on the service.
Features and scenarios need to be agreed upon by several groups and roles. Although an individual can propose tests which can drive the development of a service, it is the diverse perspectives of various stakeholders which will decide what features and scenarios are valid and desirable.
The typical way to do this is the typical git-flow way:
- clone the repository to your own account
- work on a feature with some scenarios
- open a pull request and ask for review from user representatives and product owners
- get developer feedback
Requests for new features may also be made for features by opening issues, or linking to existing user stories elsewhere.
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