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Examples for a Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications Using React and Redux by Kirupa Chinnathambi


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React JS React JS

Examples for

A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications Using React and Redux by Kirupa Chinnathambi

Quickstart · Issues · How Run · Support: Discord & Telegram

Links on author resourses:

Everyone underwent something that changed him

Everyone has one’s own path throughout React ツ

I hope that the examples will help you to quickly learn the interesting and convenient React framework.

Examples :

Examples under the MIT license. Telegram


Current npm package version. Downloads per month on npm. Total downloads on npm.

What’s In This Document


These examples are taken partly from the book, partly from the site indicated in the links resourses above.

Title React Examples
Editor ElPrg
Language React, JS
Version v 1.1.5
Req. build modules node.js, npm, react_script
Req. react_modules react, react_dom, reduxe
Release 23 Aug 2020
License MIT

List of dependencies

file package.json :


"dependencies": {
  "react":          "^16.13.1",
  "react-dom":      "^16.13.1",
  "react-scripts":  "^3.4.3",
  "react-redux":    "7.2.1",
  "redux":          "4.0.5"

🚀 Fast start

For fast start you should some steps:

  1. Install VSCode It is amazing code editor best (imho) for JS coding

    Link VSCode

    then Install extension " npm by egamma"

  2. Install Node.js

    Link Node.js Note : Node.js has npm

  3. Next step it is install packages for JS by npm

    Some cmnds when you open VSCode end then open Terminal ( "Ctrl+Shift+`") :

    npm install -save react
    npm i -save react
    npm uninstall react 
    npm u react 

You must install all requiriment packages for building project. After that in your project folder appear folder node_modules.


If you create many project in different folders you may create symbolic-link on node_modules.

🏗️ Start or Build examples

There is in left pane u can start from npm commands some scripts


⚛ How this repository is organized

The repository is organized as follows :

  1. Struct examples project


The picture shows the standard structure of the React project.
Note: node_modules is symbolic_link ...

  1. Struct of src project


Note: I started with chapter 8, because the previous chapters I did the same as the author's (i.e. in the style of one playground file), and made updates for the new version of react, but I will post them a little later either in this repo or in a separate one.If someone urgently needs it, write in a personal.

▶ How to run examples

How run examples

In order to start some of the examples of the corresponding chapter, you need to uncomment one of the lines of the form :

import App from './ch20/App';    // sliding_menu_css

and then start npm script !!!

In the first approximation, this seems to be all that needs to be done. Good luck! If that write me!


Licensed under the MIT License.

💜 Thanks

Thanks to :

  • Kirupa Chinnathambi;
  • React developres;
  • Wife, Mame ... :)


Examples for a Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications Using React and Redux by Kirupa Chinnathambi








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