Takes an edgelist graph represented from a DFG and automatically generates the schedule using ILP solver GLPK and produces the Quality-of-Results. Supports ML-RC, MR-LC, or both using Pareto-optimal analysis.
- Use a Linux distribution
- Install Git and clone this repo:
sudo apt update; sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/ElmirDzaka/Automated-ILP-Scheduler.git
- Install Python and the library 'networkx' and 'tabulate':
sudo apt install python3
pip install networkx tabulate
Install GLPK (in the same directory as this repo)
- Download GLPK source and unzip the file:
wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glpk/glpk-4.35.tar.gz; tar -zxvf glpk-4.35.tar.gz
- Install libraries for compilation:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
- Enter the unzipped folder and prepare for compilation:
cd glpk-4.35; ./configure
- Compile and install GLPK to your system:
- Verify your installation and run an example. If it succeeds, you should see the same results shown in Figure 1.
cd examples; ./glpsol --cpxlp plan.lp
- Figure 1: GLPK example of solving plan.lp
-g or --graph - the desired DFG to automate the schedule for using ILP. It should be in edgelist format
-l or --latency - the desired latency to minimize memory under
-a or --area_cost - the desired area cost to minimize latency under, input as a space seperated list of integers
cd Automated-ILP-Scheduler/src/
python scheduler.py -g test.edgelist -a 1 3 3 4
python scheduler.py -g test.edgelist -l 4
python scheduler.py -g test.edgelist -l 4 -a 1 3 3 4
Or just run the given shell scripts that use the supplied graph 'test.edgelist' and set constraints:
./run_ml-rc.sh; ./run_mr-lc.sh; ./run_both.sh
- allows the user to generate an edgelist file, work in progress
the generated edgelist file, each line represents a single edge: the two nodes that are connected and their attributes
Figure 2: Visual graph for test.edgelist
- we've set it up so the attributes contain the node operation types and costs (for both the root and child)
Unit/Op | ID | Cost |
Source (s) | 0 | 0 |
Adder | 1 | 2 |
Shifter | 2 | 2 |
ALU | 3 | 3 |
MULT | 4 | 5 |
Sink (t) | 5 | 0 |
- Each test has shell scripts that show off the error checking implemented in the code:
cd ../test/
- Our scheduler automatically detects errors and cycles in the supplied edgelist graph
- Our scheduler parses the GLPK output and displays it nicely back to the user
- Our scheduler handles MR-LC and ML-RC optimization
- Our scheduler works with edgelists defined however way the user wants, it just expects the first edge to be the source and the last edge to be the node
- Verbose option
- Take a single area cost and generate all the possible resource combinations
- Generalize edgelist.py to take user input and generate custom DFGs
- Create timing benchmarks for different-sized DFGs
- Optimize ILP schduler using Pareto-Optimal Analysis when supplying both latency and area constraints
Developed by Elmir Dzaka and Kidus Yohannes
Started development on 04/03/2023
- 0.1 - 05/03/2023
- Initial Release
- ML-RC, MR-LC functionality implemented
- Professor Cunxi Yu’s class slides