A Java dependency injection library supporting both static and dynamic injection
Properties file:
field1=some injection content
field2=other content
Injection code:
public class Main {
class InjectTo {
@ConfigProperty(property = "field1")
private static String field1;
private static String field2;
public String getField1() {
return field1;
public String getField2() {
return field2;
public static void main() {
InjectTo source = new InjectTo();
new StaticBindingFactory()
// Prints: some injection content
// Prints: other content
Properties file:
field1=some injection content
field2=other content
Injection code:
public class Main {
class InjectTo {
@ConfigProperty(property = "field1")
private String field1;
private String field2;
public String getField1() {
return field1;
public String getField2() {
return field2;
public static void main() {
InjectTo source = new InjectTo();
InjectTo otherSource = new InjectTo();
new DynamicBindingFactory()
.requestInjection(InjectionGroup.of(InjectTo.class, source))
// Prints: some injection content
// Prints: other content
// Prints: null
// Prints: null
Properties file:
config_string=some config string
Injection code:
public class TextEditor {
private SpellChecker spellChecker;
private String configString;
public TextEditor(@ConfigProperty(property="config_string") String configString, SpellChecker spellChecker) {
this.configString = configString;
this.spellChecker = spellChecker;
public String makeSpellCheck() {
return spellChecker.checkSpelling();
public String getConfigString() {
return configString;
public class TextEditorModule extends AbstractModule {
public void configure() {
public interface SpellChecker {
void checkSpelling();
public class SpellCheckerImpl implements SpellChecker {
public void checkSpelling() {
return "Called checkSpelling()";
public class Main {
public static void main() {
Injector injector = Injector.createInjector(new TextEditorModule())
TextEditor editor = injector.getInstance(TextEditor.class);
// Prints: Called checkSpelling()
// Prints: some config string
class TextEditor {
private SpellChecker spellChecker;
public TextEditor( SpellChecker spellChecker) {
this.spellChecker = spellChecker;
public void makeSpellCheck(){
class TextEditorModule extends AbstractModule {
public void configure() {
interface SpellChecker {
public void checkSpelling();
class SpellCheckerImpl implements SpellChecker {
private String dbUrl;
public SpellCheckerImpl(){}
public void setDbUrl(@Named("JDBC") String dbUrl){
this.dbUrl = dbUrl;
public void checkSpelling() {
return "Called checkSpelling() with URL: " + dbUrl;
public class Main {
public static void main() {
Injector injector = Injector.createInjector(new TextEditorModule());
TextEditor editor = injector.getInstance(TextEditor.class);
// Prints: Called checkSpelling() with URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:5326/emp