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Daniel Norris edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 1 revision


Below you can find the default config with comments

# © EnvyWare Ltd Software 2022
# For assistance visit

world-name: playerWorld # The name of the world the player will teleport to - To disable the safari set this to a world that doesn't exist
main-zone: Main # The name of the Zone to teleport the user to
npc-skin: Gardener # The skin the NPC will use (/safari spawnnpc)
cost: 200.0 # The cost of entering the Safari Zone
time-in-seconds: 300 # The amount of time in seconds they will be in the Safari Zone for
spawn-world-name: playerWorld # The name of the spawn world
    allow-p-v-e: true # If PVE is allowed
    allow-p-v-p: false # If PVP is allowed
    cache-inventory: true # If the player's inventory should be cleared (and then returned when they leave the safari)
    temp-items: # Items to give the player for whilst they are in the Safari - this will only work if cache-inventory is true
            enabled: true
            type: pixelmon:poke_ball
            amount: '16'
            name: Safari Poke Ball
            flags: []
            lore: []
            enchants: {}
            nbt: {}
    allowed-commands: # Commands the player can run while in the safari (regex based)
    - abcsafari
    - pixelsafari
spawn-position: # The spawn position they will be teleported to upon exit
    name: Spawn
    x: 0
    y: 0
    z: 0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
zones: # The safari zones they could be teleported to
        name: Main
        x: 0
        y: 100
        z: 0
        yaw: 0.0
        pitch: 0.0
        name: SomeBiome
        x: 10
        y: 100
        z: 10
        yaw: 0.0
        pitch: 0.0

start-commmands: # Commands executed when the player enters the safari
- give %player% pixelmon:safari_ball 10
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