An extension for the Skript language on Spigot that adds Pixelmon API support
The below explanation expects a basic level of knowledge of Skript, if you don't know what Skript is, you can find out more here
This condition checks if a given Pokemon matches any given specs. Example:
if {_pokemon} matches shiny:
message "wow"
The above checks if the Pokemon in the variable _pokemon
is a shiny, and if it is then it'll send the message "wow".
This can also be used to in the opposite way like so:
if {_pokemon} does not match "shiny":
message "not shiny"
This allows you to make an exact copy of the Pokemon, with a new UUID.
set {_copy_pokemon} to {_pokemon}'s copy
This allows you to get the name of the species of a pokemon
set {_name} to {_pokemon}'s species
This allows you to get the level of the Pokemon
set {_level} to {_pokemon}'s level
This allows you to get the palette of the Pokemon
set {_level} to {_pokemon}'s palette
This allows you to get the name of the form of a pokemon
set {_form} to {_pokemon}'s form
This allows you to get the ability of the pokemon
set {_ability} to {_pokemon}'s ability
This allows you to get the name of an ability
set {_ability} to {_pokemon}'s ability
set {_ability_name} to {_ability}'s abilityname
This allows you to get the dex number of a pokemon
set {_dex} to {_pokemon}'s dex
This allows you to get the dex number of a pokemon in the "pretty" format (i.e. 001)
set {_dex} to {_pokemon}'s formatteddex
This allows you to get a player's pokemon from their party
set {_pokemon} to pokemon 1 of {_player}
This allows you to get a player's pokemon from their PC
set {_pokemon} to pokemon 1 of box 1 for {_player}
This allows you to get all the pokemon in a player's box in their PC
set {_pokemon::*} to box 1 for {_player}
This allows you to get all the pokemon in a player's party
set {_pokemon::*} to party of {_player}
This allows you to spawn a pokemon at a location
set {_location} to position of {_player}
pokespawn {_location} "random shiny"
This allows you to give a player a pokemon
givepoke {_player} "random shiny"
This allows you to open a dialogue box for a player
add "Test one" to {_choices::*}
add "Test two" to {_choices::*}
dialogue for {_player} title "Hello World" description "Description!" with {_choices::*}
If you use this in the dialogue choice event then it will pass through to the next dialogue box seemlessly
This allows you to open an input dialogue box for a player
not closeable input for {_player} title "Hello World" description "Enter text please" with default text "Wow!"
closeable input for {_player} title "Hello World" description "Enter text please" with default text "Wow!"
This event is triggered when a player selects a choice from a dialogue box
on choice:
set {_player} to player
set {_choice} to event-choice
message "%{_player}% %{_choice}%"
This event is triggered when the player inputs text into a dialogue input box
on dialogue input:
message "Hello World"
set {_player} to player
set {_input} to event-string
message "%{_player}% %{_input}%"
This event is triggered when the player closes a dialogue input box
on dialogue input close:
message "wow!"
This event is triggered when a player successfully captures a Pokemon
on successful capture:
set {_player} to player
set {_pokemon} to event-pokemon
set {_entity} to event-pixelmon
message "WOW! %{_pokemon}% %{_player}% %{_entity}%"
This event is triggered when a player interacts with a Pixelmon NPC
on npc interact:
set {_entity} to event-npc
set {_player} to player
message "WOW! %{_entity}%"
on join:
set {_player} to player
message "%{_player}%"
set {_pokemon} to pokemon 1 of {_player}
set {_dex} to {_pokemon}'s dex
set {_formatted_dex} to {_pokemon}'s formatteddex
message "%{_pokemon}% %{_dex}% %{_formatted_dex}%"
wait 2 seconds
add "Test one" to {_choices::*}
add "Test two" to {_choices::*}
not closeable input for {_player} title "Hello World" description "Enter text please" with default text "Wow!"
set {_location} to position of {_player}
pokespawn {_location} "random shiny"
if {_pokemon} matches "shiny":
set {_name} to {_pokemon}'s species
message "%{_name}%"
wait 10 seconds
givepoke {_player} "random shiny"
on choice:
set {_player} to player
set {_choice} to choice
message "%{_player}% %{_choice}%"
on dialogue input:
message "Hello World"
set {_player} to player
set {_input} to event-string
message "%{_player}% %{_input}%"
on dialogue input close:
message "wow!"
on successful capture:
set {_player} to player
set {_pokemon} to event-pixelmon
set {_test} to event-pokemon
message "WOW! %{_pokemon}% %{_player}% %{_test}%"