What's New
🎨 Added rich logging and syntax highlighting for search results
New --raw flag to optionally disable highlighting
Improved document display and formatting
Better indentation and code blocks in results
🔍 Enhanced search functionality
Added path filtering capabilities
Improved search results formatting
Better handling of code blocks with language detection
📊 Added status command to show index statistics
💾 Fixed and enabled persistence in CLI
📝 Documentation
Added explanation of RAG for newcomers
Added quick start section with basic commands
Clarified Python version requirement
Expanded gptme integration section
Simplified command examples
Added 'built with gptme' badge
Technical Improvements
⚡️ Better indexing performance
Reduced batch size for better progress visibility
Increased file limit default from 100 to 1000
Improved logging messages and levels
Enhanced gitignore pattern handling
🐛 Fixed ChromaDB warnings about existing IDs
🔧 Improved pre-commit test hook efficiency
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