EssaGallery-Serverless is a backend serverless application for the Essa Gallery project. It is designed to run on Netlify's serverless functions and manage various backend functionalities for the gallery.
This return all media for a specified guild.
200 OK
: Successfully retrieved the media list for the specified guild.
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "Success get Guild Gallery",
"data": [Media1, Media2...]
400 Bad Request
: Invalid request format.
404 Not Found
: No media found for the specified guild.
- Redis (In-memory data structure store used for caching and managing data)
- Netlify Functions (Serverless functions provided by Netlify for running backend code.)
- Utilizes Netlify serverless functions for backend logic.
- Integrates with Redis for data storage.
- Clone this repo, and install packages
git clone
cd EssaGallery-Serverless
npm i -g yarn
yarn install
- create and setup .env file
yarn run dev