Evil Spin is a free, fun and open source App for spinning a wheel. It objectivly looks very pretty.
Or download here: Releases Section.
- Free and open source
- click spin button to spin the wheel
- spin button has a changing color outline
- settings
- change the appearance of the wheel
- multiple color palettes supported:
- Default (Ugly)
- Pastell (Pretty)
- Custom Wheel Title
- Change Wheel speed!
- change minimum wheel spin
- change the background of the main view:
- Ravenous Red 🔴
- Opal Orange 🟠
- Yust Yellow 🟡
- Lime
- grass green 🍏
- Turkish Turkise
- Whale Blue 🔵
- Indigo
- Prone Purple
- boring gray
- Import your Wheel!
- plain text file, new line for new slice
- Export your Wheel!
- Reset the wheel :(
- Set the wheel to a default example
- Save/Cancel the setting setting process
- cool icon with transparency
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.