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Item Carousel

eleanorreem edited this page Mar 17, 2016 · 3 revisions


The Item Carousel is the row of products on the home page which are sorted by category.

Components made


A row which will most likely be a carousel within which the products are going to be displayed.

Requires a category name.


The div within which the product information is displayed with links to the product page.

requires item information listed below minus quantity, description and keywords


requires buttonType for CSS properties and buttonText.

Suggested Data Structure

  "Health & Beauty": {
                       [Array of Items that are objects]
  "Lighting":        {
                       [Array of Items that are objects]

// the Object will need information such as 

  itemName: "Ikea Lamp",
  imageUrl: "http:/...",
  price:    5,
  link:     "link to product page",
  deacription: "dsfsdfgsdfg"
  keywords: ["lamp", "home", "lighting"],
  quantity: 4
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