Simple Twitch chatbot for Twitch Stream, build with Comfy.JS.
First it was a pretext to learn (or refresh) my JavaScript knowledge, but it became quickly fun to add more and more feature to it. Have a look customize it. make suggestion... this is pure fun. :)
- !stats: Display current user stats
- !bonjour: play sound "Bonjour Hi"
- !bad: play sound "Bonjour Hi"
- !yeah: play sound "Yeeeeeeaaaah!"
- !knock : Play sound "Realistic knock on a door"
- !cloud : Show CD (aka Cloud Bot) GIF
- !time : Add a time log to the show notes (those are used to create timestamps on YouTube)
- !attention : Play a notification sound and draw the text in the screen.
- !note : Add a note/ code snippet / url useful during the stream
Only Broadcaster:
!scores: display table of highest scores
!clean: hide/ clean all previous text in the screen
!load: Load the file containing the previous session data.
!save: Save in a local file
the current session data. -
!talk: The bot will repete the message
!todo-add : Add a new To-Do
!todo-start : Set the identified To-Do as active
!todo-cancel : Set the identified To-Do as cancelled
!todo-done : Set the identified To-Do as done/ closed
!reminder-add | reminder description: Create a new reminder.
!reminder-stop : Set the reminder with the name equal to to DONE.
!reminder-pause : Pause the reminder with the name equal to . Set its status to inactive.
- lift
- etc.
The Cloudbot now required a server. A tiny one but it's not a static HTML web page anymore. It's using Node.js. You can run it locally or host it somewhere (ex: Azure).
If you decide to run it locally execute: npm start
from inside the folder src
Make a new browser source overlay into your streaming tools (ex: OBS, StreamLabs OBS) and connect it to the root url where the server is running. (ex: http://localhost:3000
Create a file secret.js
with the following code in it:
const authToken = "oauth:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
Replace the token by the value found on:
Finally replace fboucheros by the name of your Twitch Channel on the last line.
ComfyJS.Init( "fboucheros", authToken );
This project is now available in a container. You can find it on:
The container by default uses the port 3000, you can map it to a different one if you want to keep 3000 available for some other node development (in the command below, the chat bot will be available at http://localhost:3001).
is the current local folder on the host. This folder MUST CONTAINED:-
a file
with a auth key in it.const authToken = "oauth:____________________";
a file
To initialize the sessions.{ "Project": "", "Id": 42, "DateTimeStart": "", "DateTimeEnd": "", "Notes": [], "UserSession": [], "NewFollowers": [], "Raiders": [], "Subscribers": [], "Hosts": [], "Cheerers": [], "TimeLogs": [], "Todos": [], "Reminders": [] }
Here an example how to instantiate the chatbot.
docker run -p 3001:3000 -d -v ${PWD}:/usr/src/app/io --name ceebee fboucher/cloudbot:latest
~ Have fun!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Frank Boucher π π» π€ |
SurlyDev π€ |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!