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This is the repository for our competition bot, Steambot Willie, for 2024 Crescendo.



The robot will need to pick up notes from the ground, pick up notes from the human player station, shoot notes in the speaker and amp, drive under the stage, and climb onto a chain (the stage), possibly climbing with another robot.

Teleop strategy: During teleop, the player will control the robot to pick up notes on the ground on its side of the field and also go across the field to pick up notes dropped by the human player. The robot will then shoot the notes in both the speaker and the amp until the endgame buzzer goes off, after which the player will have the robot climb the chain and stay elevated on the stage.

Auto strategy...

  • Taxi
  • Shoot into Speaker (Bot starts off with the back facing the Speaker)
  • Shoot & Taxi
  • Two Note Auto (Using Shoot into Speaker auto and then going to pick up a note and shoot)


The robot has 3 main subsystems and utilizes swerve drive for movement:


The arm uses two motors to move up and down, which are configured as a group, allowing the intake/shooter subsystem to move to the ground to pick up the notes and move back up to shoot them.

Component ID Interface Connection Role
Arm Motor 1 CANSparkMax CAN ID: 9 A motor for controlling the arm
Arm Motor 2 CANSparkMax CAN ID: 10 A motor for controlling the arm
Arm Encoder DutyCycleEncoder PWM Ports 0 & 1 An absolute encoder for sensing the arm angle


The intake and shooter are both in one subsystem, connected to the top of the arm and using one motor. It picks up a ground note using 2 sets of wheels, then another set of wheels pushes the note into a shooter where it is then shot into the air through another set of wheels.

Component ID Interface Connection Role
Intake Motor CANSparkMax CAN ID: 11, PDH Port 6 A motor for controlling the intake. If necessary, the current may be measured from the PDH port
Color Sensor V3/Proximity Sensor ColorSensor I^2C Port A color sensor that detects when a piece has been received
Note Camera PhotonCamera Raspberry PI USB A camera that can identify notes
Shooter Motor CANSparkMax CAN ID: 12 A motor for controlling the shooter
Shooter Motor CANSparkMax CAN ID: 13 A motor for controlling the shooter


The robot will grab onto the chain using a two-piece cranberry elevator with a specially designed hook to grab onto the chain.

Component ID Interface Connection Role
Climer Motor Left CANSparkMax CAN ID: 14 A motor for controlling the left climber
Climer Motor Right CANSparkMax CAN ID: 15 A motor for controlling the right climber
Solenoid Left PCM PCM Channel: 0 A solenoid that is powered by a PCM that locks the position of the left climber
Solenoid Right PCM PCM Channel: 5 A solenoid that is powered by a PCM that locks the position of the right climber
Limit Switch Left DIO DIO Port 4 A limit switch located at the lower end of the climber to prevent it from getting too low/stuck.
Limit Switch Right DIO DIO Port 5 A limit switch located at the lower end of the climber to prevent it from getting too low/stuck.

Swerve Drive

Component ID Interface Connection Role
Turn Motor Front Left CANSparkMax CAN ID: 8 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module angle.
Drive Motor Front Left CANSparkMax CAN ID: 7 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module speed.
Turn Encoder Absolute Encoder (Analog Encoder) Analog Input ID: 3 An absolute encoder for sensing swerve module angle. It is a custom class extending the WPILib-provided class of analog encoder
Turn Motor Front Right CANSparkMax CAN ID: 6 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module angle.
Drive Motor Front Right CANSparkMax CAN ID: 5 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module speed.
Turn Encoder Absolute Encoder (Analog Encoder) Analog Input ID: 2 An absolute encoder for sensing swerve module angle.
Turn Motor Back Left CANSparkMax CAN ID: 2 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module angle.
Drive Motor Back Left CANSparkMax CAN ID: 1 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module speed.
Turn Encoder Absolute Encoder (Analog Encoder) Analog Input ID: 0 An absolute encoder for sensing swerve module angle.
Turn Motor Back Right CANSparkMax CAN ID: 4 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module angle.
Drive Motor Back Right CANSparkMax CAN ID: 3 A motor and encoder for changing the swerve module speed.
Turn Encoder Absolute Encoder (Analog Encoder) Analog Input ID: 1 An absolute encoder for sensing swerve module angle.

Subsystem Progress

Subsystem Name Description CRL Rating
SwerveDrive The drivetrain for the robot CRL 3
IntakeShooter Intake is at the front of the robot and shooting is out the back. Both attached at the end of the arm. CRL 3
Arm Moves to the ground to intake notes and then rases up to shoot or drop notes in amp. Controlled with a setpoint. CRL 3
Climber Two hooks that lift the robot of the ground in endgame CRL 2
Camera Interfaces to two cameras through photon vision CRL 2


This table is a strategic tool for FRC robot development. It outlines all robot commands, their complexity, and current readiness levels. Start by implementing Required commands, beginning with simpler ones. The Status column helps track progress and identify areas needing attention. The goal is to create a robot that can efficiently execute game actions, ideally at a button press, to score points, speed up movements, and simplify the driver interface.

Command Name Subsystems Game Mode Priority Complexity Description Status
ControlSwerveDrive (In RobotContainer) SwerveDrive Teleop Required L2 Joystick control for the swerve drive CRL 2
IntakeUntilNoteDetected IntakeShooter Both Required L1 Run the intake until sensor identifies a note CRL 2
SpeakerShoot IntakeShooter Both Required L1 Shoot a note into a speaker. At kSpeakerSpeed. CRL 3
AmpShoot IntakeShooter Both Required L1 Shoot a note into an amp. At kAmpSpeed. CRL 3
SetArmToAngle Arm Both Required L1 Set the arm to an angle CRL 3
SetArmToDistance Arm Both Required L1 Use an interpolator to estimate the angle at distace CRL 2
ScoreInSpeaker IntakeShooter, Arm Both Required L2 Bumper on Speaker, shoot note at Speaker speed CRL 0
ScoreInAmp IntakeShooter, Arm Both Required L2 Bumper on Amp, direct arm to AmpPosition, shoot note at Amp speed CRL 0
SpeakerShootDistance Camera, Drivetrain, Arm, IntakeShooter Both Optional L3 Shoot from a distance, auto aim using camera and apriltags. CRL 2
PickupNoteWithBackwardMovement Drivetrain, Arm, IntakeShooter Teleop Optional L2 Move intake to ground, run intake, move backward until sensor triggers CRL 0
PassNoteToTeammate Arm, IntakeShooter Teleop Optional L2 Shoot note horizontally toward teammate. At kSpeakerSpeed. CRL 0
PerformMobilityMovement SwerveDrive Auto Required L1 Move Drivetrain in a specific way to score mobility point CRL 0
AutoShootIntoSpeaker IntakeShooter, Arm, SwerveDrive Auto Required L2 Set up bot toward speaker, set arm position, shoot at speaker, move to score mobility point CRL 0
AutoShootIntoAmp IntakeShooter, Arm, SwerveDrive Auto Optional L2 Set up bot toward Amp, set arm position, shoot at Amp, move to score mobility point CRL 0
PrepareClimber Climber Endgame Required L1 Raise hooks, ready to climb CRL 0
LiftRobotWithClimber Climber Endgame Required L1 Lower hooks, lift bot off ground CRL 0
LockClimber Climber Endgame Required L1 Lock climber in place CRL 0
ReleaseClimber Climber Endgame Required L1 Release climber CRL 0

Competition Readiness Level (CRL)

This table outlines the Competition Readiness Level (CRL) system used to track the progress of subsystems and capabilities in our FRC robot development. It ranges from CRL 0, where a concept is proposed, to CRL 6, indicating full competition readiness. Each level has specific completion criteria, providing a clear roadmap for development and integration. This system ensures that our robot is thoroughly tested and ready for competition.

Level Label Description Completion Criteria
CRL 0 Concept Idea for a command or capability is proposed. Concept is documented and approved by team lead
CRL 1 Designed Detailed design with optional incomplete/untested implementation. Design is documented and approved by team lead
CRL 2 Developed Code is complete and tested in isolation Code compiles, runs, and passes initial tests
CRL 3 Integrated Code has been integrated with other subsystems Code is integrated, compiles, and runs on the competition bot
CRL 4 Tested Subsystem or capability has been tested in competition-like scenarios Passes all tests, approved by programming lead and mentor
CRL 5 Practice Ready Ready for drive team practice. Is fast, reliable, and easy to use Drive team tested in practice scenarios, drive team approval
CRL 6 Competition Ready Fully integrated with other functions and well tested Passes all final tests, programming and drive team approval

Command Complexity Levels for FRC Robot Commands

In the context of FRC robot programming, we categorize our commands into different complexity levels. This helps us manage the development process, prioritize tasks, and communicate about the functionality of our robot. Each level, from L1 to L4, represents a different degree of complexity, from simple commands that control a single subsystem to highly complex commands that can autonomously complete game objectives.

Level Label Description
L1 Simple Command Simple to implement and achieves a basic game objective. Typically uses one subsystem and is executed by drivers.
L2 Complex Command Involves multiple subsystems or commands working together to execute more complex tasks quickly or to simplify driver controls.
L3 Intelligent Command Completes complex tasks that integrate sensing and control, and may be composed of multiple simpler commands. Can complete complex objectives autonomously or with minimal driver control.
L4 Skynet Wins the game autonomously. No human intervention needed.

Todo Before RC


  • The start of all autos against the speaker should be as close to the field wall as possible
  • Figure out if theres a solution to it spinning at the end of a path
  • Create a pick-up-from-the-centerline-only auto


  • Add upper limit onto Climber


  • Add more error checking in Camera class
  • Take out unused methods/classes
  • Create a god tier calibration on 960 x 720

Intake Shooter

  • Seperate Intake and Shooter


  • Disconnect Gyro from Odometry


  • Redo the tree map for Distance Shooting (maybe)


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