The name of the program Spaced Rehearsal is one of the names of a learning technique that exploits the spacing effect. It helps to learn or memorise a material by a revision which is spaced in gradually increasing intervals. Such periodic review improves retention of material in the long-term memory. You can read more about it in the Wikipedia.
Program implements this technique in console.
Review time can be viewed graphically. After running the program open your browser and go to the localhost:8888.
Install pyenv
- On Mac
brew cask install pyenv
- On Mac
Install pipenv
- On Mac
brew cask install pipenv
- On Mac
Create virtual environment using pipenv with python version 3.8.1
pipenv --python $PYENV_DIR/versions/3.8.1/bin/python
Install required packages from Pipfile.
pipenv install
Install required nltk data.
pipenv run python -m nltk.downloader punkt averaged_perceptron_tagger wordnet
Install libVLC
python-vlc package is Python bindings for libVLC and without that library it will not work, because all it does is try to load that library (a .dylib, .so, or .dll, depending on your platform) and call functions out of it. If python-vlc could't load that library it would output the following error:
OSError: dlopen(libvlccore.dylib, 6): image not found
The easiest way to get libVLC library is to just install the VLC player.- On Mac
brew cask install vlc
- On Mac
By running the following command:
you start the program with general functionality. In this mode, you can create, alter, delete, search and review flashcards. All of your flashcards are saved in sqlite database (you can find database name in a configuration file)
By starting the program with the following command:
pipenv run python english-mediator
you start the program with english functionality. This mode dedicated to learning English words and phrases. English mediator enhances the general functionality by providing additional fields for an answer pronunciation and ability to add an explanation for the flashcard.
You can very easily add new mediator for your target language or any other specific mediator for your needs by extending the base mediator. You can look at English mediator for the example of how you can do it. For any questions, you can contact me. I'll be happy to help you.