it is required to have python and run pip install -r requirement.txt
for installing the required packages
it just uses yt-dlp and c++ to work the defult directory which the downloaded video will be downloaded to is "D:" this is ofcourse on windows
This also like the previous one but added some features like choosing the quality and filetype
this one uses pytube package to run
it is better to make the cpp file in the root directory as this will allow you to directly use it from the terminal just type in the terminal
to go to the root directory
cd ~
to open the file exproler window
start .
paste the cpp file there then compile the file in the terminal
g++ filename.cpp -o OutputFilename
To run use
.\OutputFilename.exe "{add the url to the video}" -t {mp3/ mp4} -r {1080/ 720/ 360}
The inputs in the curly brackets are the options
- add user custom argument -o for the output file location to V2.0