Skip to content Command Line App for Windows, Linux, and macOS. is Cloud Storage, Cloud Gateway, and MFT, All In One. Our built-in storage is fast, affordable, and available in 7 Worldwide Regions. Access Any File on Any Cloud via's command line app for Windows, Mac and Linux, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Box, Dropbox, Amaz…


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The content included here should be enough to get started, but please visit our Developer Documentation Website for the complete documentation.


The Command Line Interface (CLI) App is a great option for scripted or automated transfers between a local machine and

Because it works through the standard Command Line, the CLI app is easy to script from a variety of environments without having to use our SDKs. With that said, if you are already using a programming language where we offer an SDK, the SDK may offer a higher level of integration for your application.

The CLI App is cross-platform (Windows/macOS/Linux) and supports fast, concurrent file transfers.

The CLI App uses the RESTful APIs via the HTTPS protocol (port 443) to securely communicate and transfer files so, when used interactively or from a script, no firewall changes should be required in order to allow connectivity.

Support For All Operations, Not Just File Operations

The CLI supports all file Operations including list, download, upload, move, rename, delete, etc. But equally important is that it supports operations on every resource available in including Users, Permissions, Groups, Remote Servers, Behaviors, etc.

The available resources are listed in this documentation under the Resources menu on the left.


Download the latest release for Windows, macOS, or Linux from the CLI App Releases page.

On that page, you'll need to pick your exact operating system to download the correct version.

No installation is necessary. The app is a self contained app which can be stored anywhere on your computer.

We recommend placing the app binary into one of the folders listed in your %PATH% (Windows) or $PATH (Linux and Mac).

Here are specific instructions, grouped by OS:



  • AMD/Intel 64-Bit Processors amd64 (Most Common)
  • ARM Processors arm64 (Less Common)

Download the Zip archive (*.zip), extract the files from the archive, and place the files-cli.exe binary file into any directory listed in your %PATH% environment variable.

Mac using Homebrew

For systems with Homebrew available, use the following commands:

brew tap Files-com/homebrew-tap
brew install files-cli

Mac without Homebrew

Download the compressed Tar archive (*.tar.gz), extract the files from the archive, and place the files-cli binary file into any directory listed in your $PATH environment variable.

curl -L | tar zxv
sudo mv ./files-cli /usr/local/bin

Linux: RPM Package Manager Based Systems

For Linux systems that support RPM, such as Red Hat Linux, Fedora Linux, CentOS, openSUSE, Oracle Linux, and others, use the RPM Package Manager to install the CLI App:

curl -L{ARCH}.rpm -o files-cli.rpm

sudo rpm -i ./files-cli.rpm

Linux: Debian Based Systems

For Debian based systems, such as Ubuntu Linux, use the APT Package Manager to install the CLI App:

curl -L{ARCH}.deb -o files-cli.deb

sudo apt install ./files-cli.deb

Learn how to use the CLI App by reading the documentation.

Explore the files-cli code on GitHub.

Command Help

You can get usage information for the files-cli program and any of its commands or subcommands by using the --help option.

files-cli --help
files-cli folders --help

Getting Support

The Support team provides official support for all of our official integration tools.

To initiate a support conversation, you can send an Authenticated Support Request or simply send an E-Mail to


There are two ways to authenticate: API Key authentication and Session-based authentication.

Authenticate with an API Key

Authenticating with an API key is the recommended authentication method for most scenarios, and is the method used in the examples on this site.

To use an API Key, first generate an API key from the web interface or via the API or an SDK.

Note that when using a user-specific API key, if the user is an administrator, you will have full access to the entire API. If the user is not an administrator, you will only be able to access files that user can access, and no access will be granted to site administration functions in the API.

Setting by Environment Variable on MacOS or Linux


Setting by Environment Variable on Windows

files-cli --api-key=YOUR_API_KEY folders list-for ''
## After the key has been provided once it will be written to the files-cli configuration file.
## You do not need to include the same API key for future commands.

Don't forget to replace the placeholder, YOUR_API_KEY, with your actual API key.

Authenticate with a Session

You can also authenticate by creating a user session using the username and password of an active user. If the user is an administrator, the session will have full access to all capabilities of Sessions created from regular user accounts will only be able to access files that user can access, and no access will be granted to site administration functions.

Sessions use the exact same session timeout settings as web interface sessions. When a session times out, simply create a new session and resume where you left off. This process is not automatically handled by our SDKs because we do not want to store password information in memory without your explicit consent.

Logging In

To log in to the CLI App with your username and password, you must first configure the CLI App with information about your account.

Once you've specified your subdomain information and username, you do not need to specify it again for subsequent uses of the CLI App.

You will be prompted for the password when a command is run that requires authentication. Once the password is entered, subsequent calls will not require a password, unless the session is no longer valid (ie, expired).

files-cli config set --subdomain SUBDOMAIN --username motor
files-cli folders list-for ''
> password: vroom

Using a Session

Once a the password has been verified by the first run command, all subsequent commands can be run and the current verified session will be used.

files-cli folders list-for ''

Logging Out

User sessions can be ended by calling sessions delete.

files-cli sessions delete


The files-cli client can be configured by running files-cli config set.

Using Multiple Accounts

You can use the --profile option to modify the configuration of a specific profile. That same option can be used to specify the profile to use when interacting with This allows you to use multiple accounts without needing to reauthenticate when switching between them.

files-cli config set --profile firstaccount --username FIRSTUSERNAME

Configuration Options

Base URL

Setting the base URL for the API is required if your site is configured to disable global acceleration. This can also be set to use a mock server in development or CI.

files-cli config set --endpoint
## alternatively
files-cli config set -e

Concurrent Connection Limit

Set the maximum number of concurrent connections.

files-cli config set --concurrent-connection-limit 5
## alternatively
files-cli config set -c 5

Default Resource Format

Set default format for displaying resources.

The supported formats are:

  • json
  • csv
  • table

For the json format you can specify either pretty or raw after a comma (,).

For the table format you can specify a style (interactive, light, dark, or bright) and/or a direction (vertical or horizontal) by adding those after commas (e.g. table,dark,horizontal).

files-cli config set --format json,raw
files-cli config set -f table,bright,vertical

Sort and Filter

Several of the API resources have list operations that return multiple instances of the resource. The List operations can be sorted and filtered.


The CLI does not currently support sorting. Please see SDK documentation for other languages for sorting.


Filters apply selection criteria to the underlying query that returns the results. Filters can be applied individually to select resource fields and/or in a combination with each other.

filter_by - Client side filtering: eg. field_name=*.jpg) |

An example of cli command line filter argument:


files-cli users list \


The CLI will detect errors coming back from the API and provide a detailed message to the current output explaining the cause of the error.

Errors fall into two basic categories:

  1. General Usage Errors - errors that result from incorrect usage of the CLI tool
  2. API Response errors - errors returned from the API.
files-cli BADCOMMAND
Error: unknown command "BADCOMMAND" for "files-cli"
Run 'files-cli --help' for usage.
files-cli folders list-for /BADFOLDER

Error: Not Found - `Not Found.  This may be related to your permissions.`

API Error Types

To understand the types of errors that come back from the API and will be displayed by the CLI, see the Rest API Errors.

Case Sensitivity

The API compares files and paths in a case-insensitive manner. For related documentation see Case Sensitivity Documentation.


Sending Operation/Run Logs to the Cloud

If you are running scripted operations, you can have the CLI send a report of the operation including the Success/Failure status as well as a log of every run. To do this add the flag --send-logs-to-cloud.

The operation logs will be made available in the web interface at Settings > Logs > External logs.

Mock Server publishes a API server, which is useful for testing your use of the SDKs and other direct integrations against the API in an integration test environment.

It is a Ruby app that operates as a minimal server for the purpose of testing basic network operations and JSON encoding for your SDK or API client. It does not maintain state and it does not deeply inspect your submissions for correctness.

Eventually we will add more features intended for integration testing, such as the ability to intentionally provoke errors.

Download the server as a Docker image via Docker Hub.

The Source Code is also available on GitHub.

A README is available on the GitHub link.

Output Formatting

By default, the CLI App will output its data in table format.

You can select the output format by using the --format option. For example, to specify that the output should be formatted in JSON format, use the option --format json.

Supported Formats

  • table (default)
  • table,interactive (searchable and scrollable)
  • table,dark
  • table,bright
  • table,light
  • table,markdown
  • json (human-readable)
  • json,raw (compact)
  • csv
files-cli users list --format=table,interactive
files-cli folders list-for /path/to/folder --format csv
files-cli folders create --path /path/to/folder/to/be/created --format=json,raw
files-cli users list --format=table,dark

Configuring the Default Format

You can configure a preferred format as the default for a profile.

files-cli config set --profile=interactive --format=table,interactive

Customizing Output

You can customize the output by specifying the fields to include in the response. Simply use the --fields option followed by a comma-separated list of the desired field names.

files-cli folders list-for --fields path,type --format json
    "path": "document.docx",
    "type": "file"
    "path": "other",
    "type": "directory"

About Command Line App for Windows, Linux, and macOS. is Cloud Storage, Cloud Gateway, and MFT, All In One. Our built-in storage is fast, affordable, and available in 7 Worldwide Regions. Access Any File on Any Cloud via's command line app for Windows, Mac and Linux, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Box, Dropbox, Amaz…



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