Project Porcupine: A Base-Building Space!
Copyright & Licensing
Vote on Proposed Features
Project Porcupine was created to serve two purposes:
To act as a tutorial to teach people how to make a full, complex, and multi-featured game inside of Unity (as opposed to the more typical one-off, single-feature tutorials that are more common).
To provide a basic skeleton for any game that requires a tile-based map with self-governing agents (i.e. characters) as well as highly customizable objects (i.e. XML/Lua defined furniture.) To this end, we would be making a program themed as a starbase-construction game -- though there's no reason that someone couldn't produce something with a wildly different theme or purpose (including not being a base-building game at all).
However, our true ultimate goal is to produce a community-developed base building game in a similar style to Dwarf Fortress or RimWorld!
If you want to watch the tutorials that cover the entirety of creating this project from scratch, please visit:
Project Porcupine was created by Martin "quill18" Glaude, whose work was supported via Patreon:
The base project code is copyrighted by Martin "quill18" Glaude and is covered by multiple licenses.
All program code (i.e. C#, Lua, XML) is licensed under GPL v3.0 unless otherwise specified. Please see the "LICENSE" file for more information.
All non-code assets (e.g. art, sound) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported) unless otherwise specified.
The original tutorial project files, which feature no community-contributed code, are licensed under the MIT License and can be found here:
Please check the file for contribution instructions and guidelines.
You can propose features you'd like to see and vote on which ones to prioritize here:
Here's the current list of proposed features:
- Unoffical Discord Channel <>
- Official Subreddit
You can contact Quill18 by Twitter (@quill18) or email:
However, please note that Quill receives a lot of email and may not be able to respond to everyone in a timely manner.