A command-line tool to convert images (JPEG, PNG) and webcam captures into ASCII art. Supports colored ASCII output and animated GIFs.
- Image to ASCII: Convert PNG,JPEG images into ASCII representations.
- Webcam Capture: Capture images from the webcam and convert them to ASCII.
- Color Support: Option to display ASCII art in full color.
- Adjustable Scale: Control the ASCII resolution with a scale factor.
Ensure you have Go installed, then clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/FilledEther20/art-go.git
cd art-go
Install dependencies:
go mod tidy
Build the project:
go build -o ascii-art
./ascii-art generate <image_path>
./ascii-art generate example.jpg
./ascii-art generate --camera
./ascii-art generate example.jpg --color
Increase or decrease the level of detail:
./ascii-art generate example.jpg --scale 6
- GoCV for webcam capture
- image package for image processing
- github.com/spf13/cobra for CLI handling
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to open issues or pull requests to improve the tool.