This repository provides python scripts to receive 9-DoF sensor data via BTLE and generate MIDI signals.
The idea is to generate a device that can translate light saber movements into music.
A brief overview over the classes and their functionalities, later should be added to the Wiki, I guess.
Decode the received encoded data and convert to humanly understandable formats.
Plot the current magnetic orientation as a moving coordinate system and the gyro and accelerometer data in line graphs.
The performance of matplotlib is horrible at the moment. I recommend deactivating the plotting for realtime live playing applications. For debugging and development this is really useful. Possible solutions:
- move to another library
- try to find ways to only update changes in the drawn elements by their handles instead of cla()-ing everything.
- upadte asynchronously in another thread, worker, whatsoever. This is tricky as the Gui wants to spawn in the main thread to appear on screen.
Start and runs the main loop. Our entry point to the application
Handle midi device connections and play notes.
Receive and handle the BTLE messages based on the python package bleaker
BTLE connection is pretty slow and causes the main latency ~100ms, compared to the rest of about 2ms. It's still not clear if the sender or receiver is causing this latency. To solve this, there are two main steps to be performed
- make measurements with other devices to be sure it's not a hardware specific topic
- investigate on ESP32 side (other github project)
- --> if this steps fail, we need to have a look for other BTLE libraries or move from python to a more performant C++ project. But this is definitely for later, as we want to do rapid prototyping
- add formatter files to the repository
- generate class for musical abstractions, such as harmonies, scales, chords, etc.
- generate class to do signal processing and extract events that can trigger midi.
- generate a class that can link events to midi signals (ex. rising edge in signal derivation (neg, pos) --> tigger chord)
- generate class to have calibration routines
- generate configuration handling (.yml?) --> remove magic numbers
- pip install -r requirements.txt