New version of the FisherEM package with the Bayesian Fisher EM implemented.
FisherEM needs the following CRAN R packages, so check that they are are installed on your computer.
required_CRAN <- c("MASS", "elasticnet", "parallel", "ggplot2")
not_installed_CRAN <- setdiff(required_CRAN, rownames(installed.packages()))
if (length(not_installed_CRAN) > 0) install.packages(not_installed_CRAN)
- A planned submission on CRAN in October
- For the development version, use the github install
We added the script to simulate and reproduce of the BFEM chapter, 3 simulations are available.
# Chang 1983 setting
n = 300
simu = simu_bfem(n, which = "Chang1983")
# Section 4.2:
p = 50
noise = 1
simu = simu_bfem(n = 900, which = "section4.2", p = p, noise = noise)
# Section 4.3:
snr = 3
simu = simu_bfem(n=900, which = "section4.3", snr = snr)
The function structure, arguments and output are similar to fem()
Y = iris[,-5]
cl_true = iris[,5]
res.bfem = bfem(Y, K = 3, model="DB", init = 'kmeans', method = 'gs', nstart = 10)
print(fem.ari(res.bfem, cl_true))
## [1] 0.9602777
ggbound = plot(res.bfem, type = 'elbo')
ggspace = plot(res.bfem, type = 'subspace')
Simulate from the frequentist DLM model with K=3 clusters. The latent
space is of dimension d=2, and the other (p-d) dimensions are centered
Gaussians with variance noise
simu = simu_bfem(n = 900, which = "section4.2", p = 50, noise = 1)
Y = simu$Y
cl_true = simu$cl_true
# plot true subspace in 2-d
df.true = data.frame(simu$X, Cluster = factor(simu$cls))
ggtrue = ggplot(df.true, aes(x = X1, y=X2, col=Cluster, shape=Cluster)) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
scale_color_brewer(palette="Set2") # color-blind friendly palette
And then cluster the data with the BFEM algorithm.
res.bfem = bfem(simu$Y, K=3, model = 'DB', nstart = 10, method="gs")
cat('Init ARI : ', aricode::ARI(simu$cls, max.col(res.bfem$Tinit)))
## Init ARI : 0.4052959
cat('Final ARI : ', aricode::ARI(simu$cls, res.bfem$cls))
## Final ARI : 0.9709887
plot(res.bfem, type = "subspace")
Original paper for the Fisher-EM algorithm: Simultaneous model-based clustering and visualization in the Fisher discriminative subspace (C. Bouveyron & C. Brunet-Saumard)
The Bayesian Fisher-EM: Preprint soon (in October 2020)