Releases: Flyer53/jsPanel3
Releases · Flyer53/jsPanel3
jsPanel 3.11.3 release
jsPanel 3.11.2 release
This release fixes a small CSS issue concerning only IE10/11 (controls are pushed out when title text is to long). Script files have a new version number but are otherwise unchanged.
jsPanel 3.11.1 release
- options dragit/resizeit on touch devices now work with touch AND mouse
- the header logo now is also a default drag handle
jsPanel 3.11.0 release
- option.position extended with parameters minLeft, maxLeft, minTop and maxTop
- bugfix in options dragit and resizeit when panel content includes one or more iframes
- various minor bugfixes
jsPanel 3.10.0 release
- Added options dragit and resizeit callbacks start, drag/resize and stop receive second argument with position/size object
- Added parameter disableOnMaximized for option.dragit
- Improved compatibility of options dragit and resizeit on mobile devices
jsPanel 3.9.3 release
fixed: In some browsers panel did not properly front when clicking on header section.
jsPanel 3.9.2 release
- Fixed issue with option.dragit in combination with option.onwindowresize
- Fixed issue with options dragit/resizeit (panel is now properly fronted when starting a drag or resize operstion or when clicking the header section)
- Fixed issue in optio.resizeit (panel "glued" to mouse in some situations)
jsPanel 3.9.1 release
Fixed: When the content section of a jsPanel contains another document complete with DTD, HTML tag etc. the panel sometimes "glued" to the mousecursor after draging/resizing the panel with the built-in dragit/resizeit interactions
jsPanel 3.9.0 release
- jsPanel script now works also after calling $.noConflict()
- Added: new grid option for options dragit and resizeit
- improved handling of options object passed to $.jsPanel()
- minified js files created via butternut
jsPanel 3.8.1 release
Bugfix within option.dragit and option.resizeit when using option.position with parameter of