This repo has my Spring Boot project which will develop during bootcamp.
This project provides to create their blogs by users.
Users be able to create, update and delete their blogs. Also, they can add their social media accounts and blogs can be commented on.
✨ Create your project's entities and set up relationships in-between.
✨ Create data base for blog project. Write a query where you can pull the blog and comments.
✨ The query code you wrote add it as SQL file to the resource
part in the project.
✨ Create dummy CRUD api(BlogController) and prepare validations.
Post method's sample for creating a new post on Postman
Validation rules for fields
✨Create project and load GitHub.
- Java 11
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Kotlin 1.5.0
- Restful API
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Docker compose
- Swagger UI documentation
- JUnit 5
- Maven