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This API is a service built to store farmers market data downloaded from the USDA Local Food Portal farmers market directory here and expose endpoints to access specific subsets of that data. The original intended use of this API is as a microservice for consumption by other component services of the Food Haven web application. This application was built using Ruby 3.2.2 and Sinatra 3.1.0.


  • Exposes 4 endpoints that return various subsets of farmers market info as JSON
  • Stores the farmers markets in a Postgresql database.

Set Up

Should it be necessary to install this application on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. In your terminal, in the directory you intend to store this application, run
  • git clone
  1. Enter the microservice-sinatra directory and run the following commands:
  • bundle install
  • rake db:{drop,create,migrate,seed} rake db:prepare:test
  1. To run this application locally, run this from the command line:
  • bundle exec rackup

API Endpoints


  • Renders an index of all farmers markets in the database.


  • Renders a JSON object for a single market by that market's id.


  • Returns a list of markets within the radius of a specific latitude and longitude. Radius, latitude and longitude are passed as query parameters when making a request to this endpoint.


  • Renders a list of markets by their ids. Arrays of ids are passed as query parameters when making a request to this endpoint.


  • This simply prints "Hello World." An artifact of debugging our problems. Use it as a tool if you need.


Kailey Kaes

Jesse Sorman

Kim Bergstrom


USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service & Michigan State University. (n.d.). USDA local food directories. USDA Local Food Directories.