Simple, but powerful annotation-based multiplatform command API inspired by many of the available APIs.
Those which are not marked are planned, but not ready.
- Annotation-based commands
- Automated argument parsing
- Automated tab-completion
- Custom argument parsers
- BungeeCord support
- SpigotMC support
- PaperMC support
- Velocity support
- Automated help messages
- Automated debug messages
This API works as library - it does not require to install any file to the server.
First, you need to set up the dependency on the ForestCommandAPI. Replace VERSION with the version of the release. Replace PLATFORM with the name of the supported platforms (currently "paper" and "velocity", in the future "spigot" and "bungeecord" will follow).
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.ForestTechMC.ForestCommandAPI:PLATFORM:VERSION'
Setting up is platform specific, especially for Velocity due to its unique approach.
Just create a new CommandAPI instance and you're good to go.
public void onEnable() {
/* ... your other stuff ... */
CommandAPI commandAPI = new CommandAPI(this);
/* ... your other stuff ... */
This is a bit tricky as internal API structure requires ProxyServer to be accessible from within.
// You need to implement ProxyServerProvider to allow CommandAPI to access the
// ProxyServer instance
@Plugin(/* your stuff here*/)
public class VelocityPlugin implements ProxyServerProvider {
private final ProxyServer proxyServer;
public VelocityPlugin(ProxyServer proxyServer /* ... and your other stuff...*/) {
this.proxyServer = proxyServer;
/* ... your other stuff... */
public void onProxyInitialization(ProxyInitializeEvent event) {
/* ... your other stuff ... */
CommandAPI commandAPI = new CommandAPI(this);
/* ... your other stuff ... */
// Implementing #getProxyServer to provide ProxyServer instance
public void getProxyServer() {
return proxyServer;
Making command class
// Use onEnable or similar method based on the platform
@Command(name = "mycmd")
public class MyCommand implements CommandProcessor {
public void defaultNoArgs(CommandSender commandSender) {
commandSender.sendMessage("Command with no args!");
@SubCommand(names = "first")
public void prefixNoArgs(CommandSender commandSender) {
commandSender.sendMessage("Sub-command with no args!");
@SubCommand(names = "second")
public void prefixWithArgs(CommandSender commandSender, @Arg(name="arg1") String arg1, @Arg(name="int-arg", required=false) Integer arg2) {
commandSender.sendMessage("Sub-command with args: " + arg1 + " " + arg2);
Registering the command
CommandAPI commandAPI = new CommandAPI(pluginMain); // plugin main as the argument
commandAPI.registerCommand(new MyCommand());
ForestCommandAPI is licensed under the permissive MIT license. Please see LICENSE.txt
for more information.