Releases: ForomePlatform/oc-iac
Releases · ForomePlatform/oc-iac
2.1.0 (2022-09-27)
✂️ Refactor
- remove opeshiftmonitoring (ef5cf5e)
📔 Docs
🚀 Features
- add front role (11cc75c)
- grafana: bump oncall version (7d796fd)
- logging: add logging-operator (ad95bc2)
- oncall: bump to v1.0.35 (de0ba1c)
- teleport: add wa for using cert-manager ingress http01 challenges and redirect to https (bb65b80)
- teleport: bump to 10.1.9 (fc43359)
- teleport: bump to 10.2.1 (343bd4e)
- teleport: bump to 10.2.2 (1bcbd37)
- teleport: move to oidc default auth (cc51595)
🛠 Fixes
- argocd: fix anyid issues (a878f3f)
- argocd: fix redis name (a2c0a55)
- argocd: fix roles ref (621994e)
- argocd: gpg with extra whitespace (5ce4943)
- grafana: add autosigup for teleport (216290b)
- logs: update chart vserion (5c3b3a0)
- monitoring: add cj and basic auth to git (d9c818e)
- monitoring: disable nodeexporter and add prometheus password for federate (1ee0a9c)
- monitoring: rbac (0f0c3a0)
- monitoring: rbac (b811c04)
- monitoring: rbac (c7e55d8)
- monitoring: remove spec from pvc (40b9616)
- oncall: migrate just image version (c0d8071)
- teleport-cluster: add 80 port for http01 challenges (09cbe55)
- teleport-cluster: add some changes in roles/apps (ec2834c)
- teleport: add host header for proxy_pass (a736eab)
- teleport: add more certs (d5a89c0)
- teleport: applications and roles (4300a12)
- teleport: bump to 10.2.4 and add applications (e47fc4d)
- teleport: double second factor (de8c895)
- semantic-release not dryrun (5fe78a3)
2.0.0 (2022-08-25)
- teleport: add teleport
📔 Docs
- add little instruction for oncall connect (58d79ca)
- add more command for semantic-release (68f8cc5)
- add using software (6f2638f)
🚀 Features
- add applicationsets for argocd (b1170d3)
- add github oauth (abe27d2)
- add to loki anyuid (f3b9902)
- argocd secrets and applicationsets (558fa06)
- bump grafana add anyuid role (5c8a282)
- loki-proxy for external access (f5dedee)
- grafana: add jwks teleport (7289046)
- grafana: enable first time grafana (26a63a6)
- logging: add openshiftlogging (3db161e)
- logging: add openshiftlogging (ceec8a2)
- loki: first time try (844bbdf)
- monitoring: monitoring to git (9e81778)
- oncall: enable oncall (47b63b7)
- prometheus: add federate for openshiftmonitoring (27ee53e)
- teleport: add teleport (4d1dd38)
🛠 Fixes
- argocd appsets to directory generator (75b8a6c)
- argocd: add anyid role (8fd9610)
- argocd: disable ingress (bec5118)
- argocd: repoUrl in values fix (b50c659)
- grafana: fix jwks teleport and enable autojoin (0c04764)
- grafana: fix orgid for export dashobards (8df3ada)
- logs: issuer not cluster issuer (c36da1b)
- logs: remove pods yaml (794fb7e)
- loki: add fake secrets (3e43bb0)
- loki: add priveleged for promtail (a3e100c)
- loki: fix message lenght (0bdb76f)
- monitoring: fullnameovveride for pushgateway (498b17f)
- monitoring: try friendship for openshift and already monitoring (bc0b47a)
- oncall: add priveleged role and bump version (4b7ada7)
- oncall: dependency from local chart (2ad5c3d)
1.1.0 (2022-08-17)
📔 Docs
🚀 Features
- add applicationsets for argocd (b1170d3)
- argocd secrets and applicationsets (558fa06)
- grafana: enable first time grafana (26a63a6)
- logging: add openshiftlogging (a0539f5)
- loki: first time try (844bbdf)
- monitoring: monitoring to git (7c8f3bf)
- oncall: enable oncall (47b63b7)
🛠 Fixes
- argocd appsets to directory generator (5fb4521)
- argocd: repoUrl in values fix (b50c659)
- grafana: fix orgid for export dashobards (8df3ada)
- loki: add fake secrets (3e43bb0)
- loki: add priveleged for promtail (a3e100c)
- loki: fix message lenght (fb61ce1)
- monitoring: fullnameovveride for pushgateway (db1e908)
- monitoring: try friendship for openshift and already monitoring (c52a095)
- oncall: add priveleged role and bump version (4b7ada7)
- oncall: dependency from local chart (2ad5c3d)