FourierFlows v0.4.2
Closed issues:
- gitlab-ci test stall with Julia v1.3 (#139)
Merged pull requests:
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#149) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Clean up docs from outdated Kuramoto-Shivashinsky example (#150) (@navidcy)
- Disable multithread for gitlab-ci tests (#151) (@navidcy)
- Adds 1D geostrophic adjustment example (#153) (@apaloczy)
- Fixes bug in the momentum equations (#154) (@apaloczy)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "CUDAapi" to "4.0" (#156) (@github-actions[bot])
- removes FFTW < v1.2 bound (#158) (@navidcy)
- relax upperbounds for CuArrays (#159) (@navidcy)
- Increases Coverage (#160) (@navidcy)
- Upgrade CuArrays (#163) (@navidcy)