Following the video Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python and TensorFlow – Complete Course tutorial on YouTube to learn more about TensorFlow by ( Some code may be very similar to that in the tutorial videos. I have not followed the whole video, since I just needed to know the syntax and the common functions for some other work. I will add extra comments or refactor some portions of the code for easier reading or better performance. I will also refrain from using a Jupyter Notebook due to personal preference and compatibility. I will also try to make the comments as readable as possible and try to insert ASCII diagrams to complement the text. You should be able to read these files procedurally, i.e. top to bottom, so that readers are walked through the process of making the models.
If you want to follow/use the code I have written, please follow the repo as follows. Start at
. It contains the prerequisites needed to use the TensorFlow machine learning library. It contains short examples of tensor operations and the TensorFlow API to make things easy to read. Afterwards, proceeed to
. This is an example use-case where we try to predict the prices of second-hand cars given a bunch of parameters using a simple perceptron model.