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Available tags
Frederic "FredyJabe" Jackson-Beaudoin edited this page Oct 10, 2023
7 revisions
Tag | Arguments | Description | Example |
a | A:Number | Returns the Ath word of the message | {a;3} |
r | A:Max | Returns a random number between 0 and A | {r;6} |
rom | Returns the Rest Of Message | {rom} | |
tts | A:Voice alias B:Message |
Uses Speaker.Bot voice alias A to say B REQUIRES SPEAKER.BOT |
{tts;Voice A;{rom}} |
user | Returns the user that called the command | {user} | |
noOutput | Removes output of the entire command | {noOutput} | |
w | A:Time | Wait A milliseconds | {w;1500} |
first | A:True B:False |
If the user is the first to execute the command, returns A, else returns B | {first;GG {user};Too bad!} |
webrequest | A:Url | Returns the output of a GET webrequest to url A | {webrequest;https://icanhazdadjoke.com/} |
announce | Transforms this line in a Twitch announcement | {announce} | |
tAction | Transforms this line in a Twitch action | {tAction} | |
action | A:Action name | Executes Streamer.Bot's action named A | {action;Raid Reaction} |
clip | A:Info B:Target C:Amount |
Fetches B's info A from a clip within the last C most recent Available info to get: url, embed, title, duration |
{clip;embed,duration;{a;1};25} |
embed | A:Url B:Duration |
Embed A to OBS for B milliseconds | {embed;{clip;embed,duration;{a;1};25}} |
collab | A:No collab | Returns the collab(made from collabstart tag) url or A if no collab is active | {collab;Currently no collab!} |
addquote | A:Quote | Creates a new textfile with random name containing A in the quote folder | {addquote;{rom}} |
collabstart | A:Users | Returns the multitwitch Url generated from A, users names separated by spaces | {collabstart;{rom}} |
collabstop | Ends the collab started with collabstart | {collabstop} | |
shoutout | A:User | Uses twitch's Shoutout command with A as target | {shoutout;{user}} |
addcmd | . | . | . |
rmcmd | . | . | . |
resetCd | . | . | . |
urlSafe | A:Text | Returns A transformed to be safe to be sent to a Url, mostly used with the webrequest tag | {urlSafe;This is a test} |
aSplit | . | . | . |
playSfx | . | . | . |
playGfx | . | . | . |
sbPath | Returns the path from where Streamer.Bot is executed, can be used with tags that need file paths | {sbPath} | |
readFile | . | . | . |
writeFile | . | . | . |
day | Returns the current day | {day} | |
month | Returns the current month | {month} | |
year | Returns the current year | {year} | |
isVip | Returns if the user is currently a VIP | {isVip} | |
isSub | Returns if the user is currently subbed | {isSub} | |
sA | . | . | . |
cmds | . | . | . |
sfx | . | . | . |
gfx | . | . | . |
roulette | . | . | . |
readJson | . | . | . |
getGlobalVar | A:Variable | Returns the value of A | {getGlobalVar;TimeSinceSub} |
setGlobalVar | A:Variable B:Value |
Sets the value of A to B | {setGlobalVar;TimeSinceSub;0} |
getLocalVar | A:Variable | Returns the value of A, but it has to be set within the same command using setLocalVar | {getLocalVar;uId} |
setLocalVar | A:Variable B:Value |
Sets the value of A to B, A only exists inside the executed command | {setLocalVar;uId;{webrequest;https://api.twitch.tv.kraken/users?login=fredyjabe}} |
getUserVar | A:User B:Variable |
Returns the value of B for user A | {getUserVar;{user};points} |
setUserVar | A:User B:Variable C:Value |
Sets the value of B for user A to C | {setUserVar;{user};points;5} |